Boost (step-up)

Efficient conversion of an input voltage to a higher output voltage

High efficiency, broad portfolio

Our extensive step-up regulator portfolio includes synchronous and nonsynchronous devices that address applications ranging from milliamps up to 100 A with efficiencies as high as 96%. Our products include key features such as low quiescent current (IQ) for extended battery life, high power density for small-size and spread-spectrum technology for low EMI. 

Browse products by category

Power modules (integrated magnetics)

The simplest and smallest option for step-up DC/DC voltage conversion.

Converters (integrated FET)

Balance simplicity and flexibility with integrated-FET step-up voltage converters

Controllers (external FET)

Achieve high reliability in high-power, thermally-demanding applications

Design & development resources

Design tool
WEBENCH® Power Designer
WEBENCH® Power Designer creates customized power-supply circuits based on your requirements. The environment gives you end-to-end power-supply design capabilities that save you time during all phases of the design process.
Herramienta de simulación
PSpice® para herramienta de diseño y simulación de TI
PSpice® para TI es un entorno de diseño y simulación que ayuda a evaluar la funcionalidad de los circuitos analógicos. Esta completa suite de diseño y simulación utiliza un motor de análisis analógico de Cadence®. Disponible sin ningún costo, PSpice para TI incluye una de las bibliotecas de modelos (...)
Herramienta de diseño
Herramienta de software Power Stage Designer™ de las fuentes de alimentación de modo conmutado más u

Power Stage Designer es una herramienta basada en JAVA que ayuda a acelerar los diseños de fuentes de alimentación, ya que calcula las tensiones y corrientes de 21 topologías a partir de las entradas del usuario. Además, Power Stage Designer contiene una herramienta de trazado de diagramas de Bode (...)

Recursos técnicos

White paper
White paper
How to design boost, SEPIC or flyback regulators with wide VIN power ICs
This document explains how to implement boost, SEPIC or flyback regulators with boost power management ICs and how to choose the right solution.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
Application note
Application note
Basic Calculation of a Boost Converter's Power Stage (Rev. D)
This application note gives the equations to calculate the power stage of a boost converter built with an IC with integrated switch and operating in continuous conduction mode.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
Application note
Application note
Schottky Diode Selection in Asynchronous Boost Converters
Learn how to select the right diode to acheive maximum efficiency and performance in your design.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF