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Environmental FAQs

Environmental FAQs

Find answers below to questions about material content, environmental compliance, lead-free products, and conflict mineral information.

What is TI’s product environmental compliance position?

At TI, environmental compliance and product stewardship is a responsibility we take seriously. Our commitment goes beyond simply doing what is required by rule or regulation with respect to hazardous substances (what TI calls restricted chemicals and materials or RCMs).

Our objective is to conduct our business in such a way that protects and preserves the environment, health and safety of our employees, our customers, and the communities where we all live and operate.

For more information, please visit the environmental information page.

Where is information on TI’s lead-free conversions?

Please see our lead-free information page.

What is TI’s policy on conflict minerals?

TI believes that the purchase of minerals from mines located in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) or adjoining countries is an important global concern, and we work diligently with our supply chain to ensure that TI products do not contain minerals derived from conflict sources. TI uses industry practices and guidelines and is actively involved in industry groups to source materials, collect information and improve overall industry practices. 

For more information, please visit TI’s conflict mineral page.

What is TI’s position on environmental responsibility?

TI has a strong history of environmental stewardship and works to continuously improve environmental performance and efficiency at its sites worldwide.

For further information, please view our environmental responsibility page.

Where is information on TI product or material content?

For device-specific materials content, please use our material content search tool.  Searches can be for a single or multiple part numbers.  Results include a summary compliance status table & environmental ratings with links to detailed material content information for each specific TI part number. 

What is the recyclability of TI’s products?

TI addresses product end-of-life and disposal issues both as a component manufacturer and as a producer of consumer devices.

For further information, please visit our sustainability page.

How do you determine the product compliance status for products within the material content search?

RoHS requirements and status

On January 27, 2003, the European Union passed the "Restriction on Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment," or "RoHS" legislation 2002/95/EC, which becomes effective July 1, 2006. TI’s latest RoHS statement is found on our Environmental information page. It restricted the following substances at the homogenous (material) level with associated maximum thresholds.

1 Lead (Pb)
0.1% (1000ppm)
2 Mercury (Hg)
0.1% (1000ppm)
3 Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) 0.1% (1000ppm)
4 Cadmium (Cd) 0.01% (100ppm)
5 Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) 0.1% (1000ppm)
6 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) 0.1% (1000ppm)

Since then, there have been several updates to the Directive, the major ones being2011/65/EU on 8 June 2011 that recasted exemptions expiring in 2011 to future dates (most in 2016).  Amendment EU 2015/863 released on 4 June 2015 and comes into effect 22 July 2019 that added 4 phthalates to the current list of 6 restricted substances:

7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEPH) 0.1% (1000ppm)
8 Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) 0.1% (1000ppm)
9 Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) 0.1% (1000ppm)
10 Diisobultyl phthalate (DIBP) 0.01% (100ppm)

Further revisions continue to be released and TI will maintain its documentation and requirements as they are released, including information on exemptions that may be required.

Data flags under the RoHS field can be:

Yes:  fully compliant to EU RoHS, no exemption required

RoHS Exempt:  fully compliant to EU RoHS, with an exemption applied

No:  Not compliant to EU RoHS

RoHS restricted substances – ppm calculation

The ppm calculations are at the homogeneous material level and are worst-case ppm for each RoHS substance. 

PPM = (mass of substance / mass of material) * 1,000,000 * total amount of each RoHS substance contained in the material.

EXAMPLE:  Lead (Pb) in leadframe example:

(mass of Lead: 0.006273 mg / total mass of leadframe: 62.730001 mg) * 1,000,000 = 100 ppm

REACH status

The European Union’s Registration Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals (EU REACH) that lists the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) as well as substances under restriction, REACH Annex XVII. The REACH SVHC list is usually updated 2 times per year and the REACH Annex XVII list updated as needed.  TI’s latest REACH statement is located on our Environmental information page.

Data flags under the REACH field can be:

Yes:  Fully compliant to EU REACH.

Affected: Only used when a REACH SVHC substance(s) is contained above threshold 0.1% REACH Article threshold.  Any REACH SVHC above the threshold is not restricted from use but if contained above threshold, further information must be available.

No:  Not compliant to EU REACH – a restricted substance(s) under REACH Annex XVII is contained outside of allowed application.

Green status

TI’s full definition of Green is within the TI Low Halogen (Green) Statement  found on our Environmental information page.

Data flags under the Green field can be:

Yes:  Fully compliant to TI Green defintion.

No:  Not compliant to TI Green defintion.

IEC 62474 DB status

The IEC 62474 database (IEC 62474 DB) is the worldwide regulatory list of restricted substances, applications and thresholds as they apply to electronic products maintained by the IEC 62474 Validation Team committee. This list was the JIG-101 but was sunset in 2012 and became the IEC 62474 DB at that time.

TI products that are compliant to RoHS requirements are also fully compliant to the substances and thresholds defined in the IEC 62474 Database (was previously the Joint Industry Guide).

Data flags under the IEC 62474 DB field can be:

Yes:  Fully compliant to IEC 62474 DB.

Affected:  Compliant to IEC 62474 DB with the use of REACH SVHC substance(s) when contained above threshold, REACH SVHCs are not restricted from use but if contained above threshold, further information must be available.

No:  Not compliant to IEC 62474 DB.

PPM to Mass Percentage conversion table

Substances are reported in parts per million (PPM) and mass %.  A quick guide for conversion between PPM and mass% is as follows:

1 ppm = 0.0001 %

10 ppm = 0.001 %

100 ppm = 0.01 %

1000 ppm = 0.1 %

10000ppm = 1.0 %

Mass (mg)

Representative device weight (per part) in milligrams.  Detailed information at the material and substance level are also reported in mg.

Restricted chemical test report

Quantitative analysis reports of the homogenous components listed in material content declarations.  This data independently confirms content compliance of key restricted substances.

Recyclable metals - ppm

The WEEE Directive (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) has created interest in recyclable metals. TI reports values at the mass (mg) and ppm level.  For WEEE, ppm calculations are at the component level.  An example for calculating the ppm gold content follows.

Example: ppm= 1,000,000 * total amount of gold in component (mg) / total component weight (mg)

Gold mass = 0.23mg & Component mass = 128mg

1,000,0000 * 0.23 mg gold / 128mg component = 1,797 ppm