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Quality policies & procedures FAQs

Quality policies & procedures FAQs

Includes answers to questions about TI’s quality management system, general quality guidelines (GQG), quality policy manual, change control, and product withdrawal/discontinuance policies.

Has TI implemented a Quality Management System?

Please refer to the Quality System Manual (QSM000) for our Quality Management System policies and procedures.

What are the General Quality Guidelines and where are they located?

TI’s general quality guidelines (GQG) outline measures to ensure compliance of our components with a variety of quality specifications. These guidelines apply to how TI handles materials, manufacturing processes, tests, controls, handling, storage, transport and delivery of TI products to its customers. 

Please see our general quality guidelines for more information.

How do I get a copy of TI’s Quality Policy Manual?

Please see our quality policies page for TI’s Quality Policy manual.

What is TI’s change control process?

TI complies with the requirement in JESD46, latest issue for notification of product changes. Consistent with this industry standard, customers will be notified of major changes which affect the form, fit, function, or adversely affect quality or reliability of the product. For custom devices, Texas Instruments will not implement a change until customer approval is received. 

For more information, please visit our product change notification page.

What is TI’s policy on product withdrawal or discontinuance?

TI makes an effort to not obsolete products out of convenience. Convenience means a low running device, poor yields, limited customer adoption or similar items. TI’s obsolescence withdrawal schedule provides a longer lead time than the industry standard. TI allows 12 months for the last order and an additional six months to take final delivery of obsolete items. 

In rare circumstances, an accelerated withdrawal schedule may be necessary. In such cases, TI will communicate the last buy and final delivery dates in the end of life (EOL) notice, along with an explanation of the circumstances necessitating the early withdrawal.