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JESD204 technology

Encoding for SerDes synchronization, clock recovery and DC balance

What is JESD204?

JESD204 technology is a standardized serial interface between data converters (ADCs and DACs) and logic devices (FPGAs or ASICs) which uses encoding for SerDes synchronization, clock recovery and DC balance. Our JESD-compliant products and designs help you significantly improve the performance of high-density systems across a variety of application areas. We provide devices that support both JESD204B and JESD204C.

Learning the differences of JESD204B and JESD204C

This white paper explains the differences between JESD204B and JESD204C standards and the impact those changes have on engineers working on high-speed data converter board designs.

View whitepaper

The benefits of TI’s JESD204 IP


Lower system cost

Free IP, compared to paying Xilinx for using their IP for this function—no-cost for use with TI converters.


Accelerate design time

TI will help you configure the IP for your exact mode. You don’t have to become a JESD204 expert. We handle that knowledge for you.


Flexible/easy to use

Requires fewer FPGA resources—pre-configurable and optimizable firmware specifically for your FPGA platform, data converter and JESD204 mode.

Our free firmware expedites development time

JESD204 Rapid Design IP para FPGA conectadas a convertidores de datos de alta velocidad TI

La IP de diseño rápido JESD204 se diseñó para permitir a los ingenieros de FPGA lograr una ruta acelerada hacia un sistema JESD204 en funcionamiento. La IP se diseñó de manera que el procesamiento digital descendente y otras lógicas de aplicación estén aislados de la mayoría de las restricciones (...)

Design and development resources for JESD204

Soporte de software
Software profesional de conversión de datos de alta velocidad

Esta interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI) de convertidor de datos de alta velocidad pro es un programa para PC (compatible con Windows XP/7/10) que está diseñado para ayudar en la evaluación de la mayoría de los convertidores de datos de alta velocidad (convertidor de señal analógica a digital [ADC] y (...)

Diseño de referencia
Diseño de referencia de 20.8 GSPS escalable para digitalizadores de 12 bits
This reference design describes a 20.8 GSPS sampling system using RF sampling analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) in time interleaved configuration. Time interleaving method is a proven and traditional way of increasing sample rate, however, matching individual ADCs offset, gain and sampling time (...)
Diseño de referencia
Diseño de referencia de registro de tiempo de JESD204B 15 GHz multicanal para DSO, radares y comprob
High speed multi-channel applications require precise clocking solutions capable of managing channel-to-channel skew in order to achieve optimal system SNR, SFDR, and ENOB. This reference design is capable of supporting two high speed channels on separate boards by utilizing TI’s LMX2594 (...)
Diseño de referencia
Diseño de referencia de transceptor de RF multicanal para aplicaciones de radar

Este diseño de referencia se trata de una interfaz analógica (AFE) de 8 canales que utiliza dos transceptores de radiofrecuencia (RF) AFE7444 de 4 canales y un subsistema de reloj basado en LMK04828-LMX2594 que pueden permitir que los diseños escalen a 16 canales o más. Cada canal AFE consta de un (...)

Recursos técnicos

Application note
Application note
Adaptive Drive Angle Adjust
This application report provides the foundation needed to select the circuit board material and optimize device settings for a JESD204B data link.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
White paper
White paper
Ready to make the jump to JESD204B? White Paper (Rev. B)
This paper examines the system implications around the JESD204B interface.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
Application note
Application note
System Design Considerations when Upgrading from JESD204B to JESD204C (Rev. A)
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the major differences between the JESD204B and JESD204C revisions of Serial Interface Standard for Data Converters.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF

Support and training for JESD204

TI E2E™ forums with technical support from TI engineers

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Video training for JESD204

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Explore JESD204-approved products by category

Clock jitter cleaners & synchronizers

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High-speed ADCs (>10MSPS)

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High-speed DACs (>10MSPS)

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RF PLLs & synthesizers

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Explore other JESD204 product categories

Medical AFEs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim.

RF-sampling transceivers

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim.

Find JESD204 products and resources by application

Aerospace & defense


Electronic Warfare

Seeker front end

Software Defined Radio

Communications Payload

Radar Payload

Optical Imaging Payload


CT& PET Scanner

MRI, Ultrasound Scanner

Utrasound Smart Probe

X-ray Systems

Test & measurement

Signal Generator

Network Analyzers

Oscilloscopes and Digitizers

Spectrum Analyzer

Vector Signal Transceiver

Semiconductor Test

Wireless Communications Test

Wireless infrastructure

Small Cell Base station

Repeater, Active Antenna System mMIMO

Baseband Unit, Macro Remote Radio Unit

Indoor backhaul, Outdoor Backhaul Unit