PSpice for TI: DC Sweep Analysis
Obtain output voltage characteristics in PSpice for TI using the DC nested sweep functionality in a few easy steps. DC Sweep analysis allows you to sweep a source, voltage, current or parameters through a range of values. Following the guidelines, you can see the output characteristics of your MOSFET.
In this video, an example of a MOSFET circuit will be used to determine its output voltage characteristics using DC nested sweep in PSpice. First, create a new simulation profile for the circuit. Name the profile as "DC sweep," and click the Create button. The simulation settings GUI opens.
Under Analysis Type, choose DC Sweep from the dropdown list. DC sweep analysis in PSpice allows you to sweep a source, voltage, or current, a global parameter, a model parameter, or the temperature through a range of values.
For the example circuit, let's very drain-to-source voltage, VDS, from 0 to 10 volts with an increment of 100 millivolts. To create an nested sweep, click on the Secondary Sweep option and vary the DC input voltage source, VGS, from zero to five volts with an increment of 0.5 volts. Click OK to save the simulation settings.
Add a current marker on the drain terminal of the MOSFET. This will potentially plot a graph of drain-to-source voltage on the x-axis versus the drain current on the y-axis with varying gate-to-source voltage after simulation is performed. Click the icon to run the simulation.
The waveform displayed shows the different operating regions of the MOSFET, namely ohmic, saturation, and cut off region. It represents the output characteristic curves of the MOSFET. Now you can successfully perform a DC nested sweep analysis with PSpice.
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Explore la herramienta de diseño y simulación PSpice® de TI
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