Dispositivo multinúcleo KeyStone™ ARM® y DSP

Esta serie de capacitación proporciona una visión en profundidad de los dispositivos con sistema en chip (SoC) multinúcleo KeyStone.


KeyStone™ architecture (3)
KeyStone™ memory and transport (5)
KeyStone™ external interfaces (4)
KeyStone™ wireless accelerators and co-processors (3)
KeyStone™ software and tools (4)
KeyStone™ demonstrations (4)
Processor SDK for our embedded processors (5)
View series

Dispositivo multinúcleo KeyStone™ ARM® y DSP

KeyStone™ architecture (3)
KeyStone™ memory and transport (5)
KeyStone™ external interfaces (4)
KeyStone™ wireless accelerators and co-processors (3)
KeyStone™ software and tools (4)
KeyStone™ demonstrations (4)
Processor SDK for our embedded processors (5)