Serie Precision labs: Introducción a los controladores de motor
En estos videos introductorios se describen los antecedentes de los Precision Labs de TI, se explica su amplio atractivo para ingenieros de todos los niveles de experiencia y se presentan los tres tipos de motores principales.
Introducción a los controladores de motor
Hello, and welcome to the TI Precision Lab for Motor Drives. In this video, we will talk about the key aspects of the labs, including what material is covered, who they are for, and what makes them unique. The TI Precision Labs are a series of training videos focusing on analog signal chain products.
The labs are comprehensive, like an analog design book. They are sequenced similar to a college curriculum, where later courses build on the concepts introduced in earlier courses. A selection of courses will be available at launch, and new courses will be added over time. In addition to motor drivers, TI Precision Labs includes courses about such topics as ADCs, op amps, and isolation.
The training courses dive into all the technical details of many key motor concepts. The courses explain the three key motor types in detail-- brushed DC motors, stepper motors, and brushless DC motors. This includes how you would spin each motor and the drive circuit required. In addition to motor specific information, the courses include information about motor drive system design, including device selection, modeling, and PCB layout. Finally, the courses cover key motor driver technologies ranging from general protections features to more specific technologies like smart gate drive.
So who are these labs for? The most obvious answer is engineering students and junior level engineers, since these courses give practical knowledge about real world devices and applications, starting with the fundamentals. However, intermediate and experienced engineers can also benefit greatly, whether they are just refreshing their knowledge or diving deeper into a detailed topic. Our courses often give lesser-known technical details, including information about what's going on inside an integrated circuit. For those who are new to motor drive or want to dive deeper into the topic, these videos can provide a quick and practical means to gain some useful knowledge.
So what makes these labs unique? The TI Precision Labs are designed to be practical. In school, students focus on solving pages of differential equations. This long and painful process is mostly avoided through this curriculum. Thankfully, many real world engineering problems can be solved without using complex math.
This video series uses an intuitive approach for solving problems based on the behavior of real devices, circuits, and systems. Sometimes this requires doing simple algebraic calculations, but you shouldn't get lost in the math.
That's it for the intro. Thanks for watching. Now go watch some more TI Precision Labs videos to learn something new. For additional information and resources, visit