Introduction to TINA-TI(TM) Simulator
Welcome to this video tutorial for TINA-TI, the free simulator from Texas Instruments. In this video, we will show you how to obtain the software, download it and install it on your computer, and give you a quick tutorial of the graphical user interface of TINA-TI. In order to obtain the downloadable version of TINA-TI, simply go to, on the Tools and Software link, and the TINA-TI Free SPICE Simulator Tool.
You'll notice that there are several versions available for download, including versions in Russian, Chinese, and Japanese. In this case, I will download the English version of TINA-TI by simply clicking on the Download button. At this point, you'll be asked to log into your account. If you don't have account, you can register for one free here in this section of the window.
In this case, I've already downloaded the .zip file, which contains the executable. You'll see that here in the directory. Some browsers do strip the .zip extension off of the file, and this can confuse certain computers. If this does happen to you, please add the .zip file so that you can extract the .zip file correctly.
Once extracted, you'll notice that there is a Tina90-TIen, signifying the English version of this particular program. I'm going to go ahead and install it, but I'm going to install it using Run as Administrator. This will avoid any issues of priorities or preferences that you have on your computer. So these privileges will now be associated to your administrative privileges.
The program is setting up. And once the installer appears, you can simply click through the simple steps to install TINA-TI. I'm going to use the defaults. However, you can browse and change the locations. Please be sure to read through the end user's software license agreement, and notice that you're going to be agreeing to that here.
I'm going to use the default values for name and for the company name. And as I said before, you can browse to a different location if you want to install it in a separate location. This is just the defaults for now. These folders are all set up for handling the different files that are used by TINA, and you can change those locations as well.
Now the program is beginning to install the software on your computer. Many of these programs are being extracted as support for the TINA-TI Tool, including reference designs for the many TI products that are available, as well as the SPICE models for the TI products that are available, and will be able to be placed from the graphical user's interface. This installation is relatively quick. And once the installation is complete, you'll be asked if you would like to put an icon in your desktop to access TINA. In this case, I'm going to accept.
Once you've accepted, you can now look at the readme file if you want to here, or you can simply click Finish. You'll now notice that there's an icon for TINA-TI, where you can access the program directly from your desktop. Since this is the first time you've run TINA-TI, you'll want to check and see if there are any additional updates on the web for the program. That's simply going to go to the Help button, and click on Check for Updates.
You will notice that there are permissions that are required here again, and you must have administrative rights to use that function. In this case, I have the administrative rights to do the update. Now, you'll notice that red it says, "Please close TINA-TI and press Update to start the updating process, or Cancel to do the updating at a later time." I am going to exit out of TINA-TI and click on the Update.
Now you can simply follow through and install all of the new different files, updating existing files as well as adding new products. Since a new library has been added we must recomplile the library here as well. This just takes a few short minutes, but now you'll have all of the content that TI has provided into the tool.
Let's take a quick look at the graphical user interface. As you'll notice, it looks very similar to many graphical user interfaces. We have file access here, we have edit features here, we have icons here for the different placements, and then we have this-- what looks kind of unique is tabs for the different types of icons that we're going to use. These component types change in the Component Bar based upon what tab you've selected.
By default, the Basic tab comes up first with many of the different common functions you'll need and components that you'd need to place. Switches are available as well, and you can see the multiple switches part. One of the things I'd like to point out, though, is that if you hover over a particular icon, it gives you information on what that icon is, whether it's a voltage-controlled switch or a single pole open relay. You can do the same in any of these different tabs.
Here we have all the meters that are available, the sources, the semiconductor content, including diodes, FETs and bipolars, as well as the SPICE macros. This is where you'll find the majority of the TI content built in. As you can see, we have operational amplifiers, difference amps, fully difference amps, as well as switch mode power supplies and a few other components as well.
Here we have all of the different Edit features, and these are the same features that you would see in any graphical user's interface for a schematic capture tool. We have the File functions here. You would have to Copy and Paste functions. Then you have your Text tool.
Then you have zoom features, as well as some other manipulations-- the mirror, the rotate light, as well as Delete. And you also have wiring tools. And these are the same standard tools that you would see in any graphical user interface.
So you can click and place a Texas Instrument component. Then you can click the wiring tool to draw the wire. One of the nice features of TINA-TI is that the wiring tool does automatically appear if you click on a node of one of the devices. You can also place any of the passive components that are available and begin wiring your circuit.
That's the basic tour through the UI. What we've done in this particular video is we've showed you where to locate the executable, how to install it onto your computer, and a quick trip through the UI, giving you an idea of what TINA-TI can offer for you. Thanks for your attention.