低 EMI 電源の設計
電子システムの高密度化と相互接続が進展している状況で、電磁干渉 (EMI) の影響低減はシステム設計の重要な検討事項になっています。EMI 対策を後回しにすることは事実上不可能になりました。仮に設計フェーズの遅い段階まで EMI 対策を先送りした場合、手戻りが生じて開発期間とコストの両方に影響を及ぼす可能性があるからです。TI は複数の特徴とテクノロジーを提供し、関心のあるあらゆる周波数帯で EMI を低減しています。TI のデバイスや技術は、フィルタのサイズとコストの改善に加え、設計時間の短縮と複雑さの低減にも役立ちます。EMI 要件を満たす、より効率的な電源の設計に役立つ、TI の包括的なトレーニング シリーズをこちらで開始することができます。このトレーニング シリーズでは、最初に EMI の基礎を説明した後、特定の IC およびパッケージの技術革新や、外部コンポーネントの選定とレイアウトに関する設計のヒントについて詳しく見ていき、アプリケーション固有の EMI トピックで締めくくります。
Introduction to EMI
The fundamentals of EMI (2)
Reducing EMI through IC and package innovations (7)
Package optimization – HotRod™ and Enhanced HotRod QFN™
00:04:53Optimizing pinout and pin placement to mitigate EMI in your power supply design
00:03:50Reducing high-frequency EMI with integrated capacitors
00:05:30Improving EMI with true slew rate control
00:05:22Utilizing Dual-Random Spread Spectrum to improve EMI performance
00:06:29Reducing filter size and cost with an active EMI filter
00:07:16Pass CISPR 25 Class 5 without metallic shielding or common-mode choke
00:08:58Reducing EMI through input filter design, PCB and BOM optimization (5)
Layout tips for radiated EMI reduction in your designs
00:07:12Engineer It: Leverage TI’s online toolbox to tackle EMI before touching a soldering iron
00:24:13Understanding EMI and mitigating noise in DC/DC converters
00:34:51Engineer It: How to achieve great EMI performance with a non-synchronous converter
00:10:43Flyback transformer design considerations of efficiency and EMI
00:38:01Application-specific EMI considerations (5)
Optimizing automotive DC/DC converter designs for EMI and thermals
00:45:16How to design input EMI filters for an automotive DC/DC converter
00:11:29Automotive EMI reduction techniques, applications, and solutions
00:48:42Leveraging spread spectrum and slew rate control in automotive DC/DC converter designs
00:09:56Designing low EMI power converters for industrial and automotive systems
00:42:15低 EMI 電源の設計
The fundamentals of EMI (2)
Reducing EMI through IC and package innovations (7)
Package optimization – HotRod™ and Enhanced HotRod QFN™
00:04:53Optimizing pinout and pin placement to mitigate EMI in your power supply design
00:03:50Reducing high-frequency EMI with integrated capacitors
00:05:30Improving EMI with true slew rate control
00:05:22Utilizing Dual-Random Spread Spectrum to improve EMI performance
00:06:29Reducing filter size and cost with an active EMI filter
00:07:16Pass CISPR 25 Class 5 without metallic shielding or common-mode choke
00:08:58Reducing EMI through input filter design, PCB and BOM optimization (5)
Layout tips for radiated EMI reduction in your designs
00:07:12Engineer It: Leverage TI’s online toolbox to tackle EMI before touching a soldering iron
00:24:13Understanding EMI and mitigating noise in DC/DC converters
00:34:51Engineer It: How to achieve great EMI performance with a non-synchronous converter
00:10:43Flyback transformer design considerations of efficiency and EMI
00:38:01Application-specific EMI considerations (5)
Optimizing automotive DC/DC converter designs for EMI and thermals
00:45:16How to design input EMI filters for an automotive DC/DC converter
00:11:29Automotive EMI reduction techniques, applications, and solutions
00:48:42Leveraging spread spectrum and slew rate control in automotive DC/DC converter designs
00:09:56Designing low EMI power converters for industrial and automotive systems