Using the TINA-TI(TM) simulator – ERC and Analysis types
In this video, how to run DC, AC, and transient analysis on a simple op amp circuit is demonstrated. Electronic Rule Checking (ERC) is described as well as how to use the ERC window to highlight issues encountered.
Welcome to this video tutorial for TINA-TI, the free simulator from Texas Instruments. In this video, we will show you the different analysis options that are available in TINA-TI, create a circuit, run it through those analysis, and take a look at the results. Let's begin by creating a simple op amp circuit.
We select Spice Macros, Operational Amplifiers, and then scroll down to the OPA348. We place the op amp into our schematic, and now we get to add a capacitive load. In this case, you can rotate the capacitor while it's highlighted, and you can also de-highlight by simply clicking anywhere else in the schematic. Selecting the text by itself and you can rotate this text as well, independently of the capacitor.
Let's wire up the capacitor now. We're also going to add grounds, and we're going to add a feedback loop. We need to add supplies for the op amp. This particular op amp requires positive and negative supplies, so I will wire those up. And instead of cluttering up the schematic with a bunch of wires running across it, we're going to use the jumper feature.
Simply place the jumper. Wire it to the supply. Name it. This is the positive supply, so we will name it v plus. We'll wire a jumper to the other supply, labeling it v minus. Now we can simply place jumpers inside the schematic to keep the window clean, wiring them to the terminals of the op amp.
Now we have the power supplies wired. We still need an input for this particular device, so let's add a square wave input.
To select the characteristics of the supply that we've just added, simply double left click on the device. Select the signal type. As you can see by default, it's unit step. We're going to choose Square Wave. We're going to change the amplitude to 100 milli. We're going to change the frequency to 1 kilohertz, and we're going to leave the rise and fall time at 1 nano.
We also need to place an output meter on the output. We'll rename it as well to Vout.
Now we have our circuit ready to run our analysis. First, let's see do an electrical rules check. An electrical rules check looks for inconsistencies, or broken wires, or anything that would violate the rules that have been applied. In this particular case, we have no rule violations.
However, for example, if we would have left this wire just a little bit short and run the ERC now, you can see that we now have a warning. If you click on the warning, as it says in the red text, it highlights the warning and where the problem is. For a complicated schematic, this is an invaluable tool for debugging connection issues.
I'll use the wiring tool to correct the problem, and now we'll run our analysis. As you can see, if we go, we have DC Analysis, AC Analysis, and Transient Analysis. We're going to look at those three today.
Under DC Analysis, we have several options. I'm going to select the Table of DC Results. In this case, you can see a lot of different nodes and a lot of different currents that are available. Also the cursor is now a probe, so if I click on a node, I can actually get the voltage highlighted at that particular node.
The next analysis we want to look at is AC Analysis. In this case, I'm going to use the AC Transfer Characteristic. I can set the start, and end frequency, and the number of points that I want to look at.
The sweep type can be Linear or Logarithmic, and I can take a look at the diagram that I choose, either [? Niqus ?] Group Delay, Phase Amplitude, or Amplitude and Phase for the traditional Bode plot. I'm going to leave it at Amplitude Phase as the default.
As you notice, the diagram window pops up with the two waveforms-- Gain and Phase-- in it. As you can see, we've got a very nice peak here. And now let's take a look at the transient analysis.
In this case-- and I'm going to change the time to 3 milli. I'm going to calculate the operating point, and I'm going to draw the excitation. You have all of these options to change if you like, specifically if you want to use initial conditions or you want to zero the initial conditions instead of calculating a DC operating point.
We've run the simulation. We've got the input in green overlaid by the output in red. I'm going to separate the curves to show them a little more evenly. As you can see, we have the input, VG1, on top and Vout on the bottom. You'll notice the oscillation that's occurring here.
Taking a quick look at this particular circuit, you can see why we have an oscillation. This particular device probably needs a resistor in that path, so we'll add the resistor. And we'll change the value of the resistor to take a look at the impact. So we're adding a 5 ohm resistor now. Run the transient analysis again for the same period, and you notice that the oscillation is gone.
So, we've taken a look at how easy it is to build a circuit in TINA-TI. We've also taken a look at the DC, AC, and transient analysis methods for taking a look at your circuit. Thanks for your attention.