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Application-specific voltage translators

Voltage translators to address application specific interfaces such as SD Card, SIM Card and IC-USB

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Our portfolio of translators include a number of devices that have been optimized for use in common communication interfaces used by processors and peripherals. Auto bi-directional voltage translators are best suited in interfaces with truly bi-directional data lines such as I2C and SIM Cards. Direction-controlled translators are best suited for interfaces where the direction of each data line is fixed, such as SPI or UART. The GTL and GTLP families as well as the legacy FB and TTL families were designed to allow communication between Low Voltage Transistor Transistor Logic (LVTTL) and Gunning Transceiver Logic (GTL) interface levels. These devices have reduced voltage swing that allows them to have a fast data rate, high drive strength and low noise.

Technical resources

Application note
Application note
Translate Voltages for SDIO
Learn more about how products within the TXS and AVC family of voltage translators fit well with a SD card communication bus interface.
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Application note
Application note
TWL1200 PCB Design Guidelines
Learn about the TWL1200 translator, designed specifically to bridge 1.8-V/2.6-V digital-switching, and guidelines for printed circuit board (PCB) design to help preserve signal integrity and ensure optimal device performance.
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User guide
User guide
GTLP/GTL Logic High-Performance Backplane Drivers Data Book (Rev. A)
Learn more about Gunning Transceiver Logic (GTL) and our portfolio options based on speed, level translation, power consumption, noise rejection, fault tolerance, or simply driving a high-speed local bus or backplane.
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