PlusAI, Inc.

AI-based autonomous driving software solution provider

Plus collaborates with global OEMs and leading tier-1 automotive suppliers to integrate level 1 to level 4 autonomous driving software into their next generation vehicles, systems, or hardware components, customizing solutions to meet their specific requirements and market needs.

Plus' autonomous driving software is designed to be scalable and adaptable to various vehicle and compute platforms, from passenger cars to commercial trucks. Its differentiated strategy to deploy a full suite of autonomous driving software solutions support the industry’s transition to increasing levels of autonomy and towards software-defined vehicles.

Arm-based processors
TDA4VM-Q1 Automotive system-on-a-chip for L2, L3 and near-field analytic systems using deep learning
Resources offered
  • Support software
  • 3315 Scott Blvd
  • Santa Clara, California, 95054
  • United States


Support software

PLUS-3P-PLUSVISION — PlusVision AI-based automotive perception software

The automotive industry is moving towards software-defined vehicles. To achieve this transformation, OEMs are decoupling software from hardware. Meanwhile, the market is expecting more and better autonomy features at a faster pace. PlusVision is AI perception software designed to be used in (...)


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