Kudan Inc.

Vision solution provider for autonomy and robotics

Kudan has been providing proprietary Artificial Perception technologies based on SLAM to enable use cases with significant positive impact on our lives and societies such as autonomous driving, robotics, AR/VR and smart cities

Kudan has aspired to be an irreplaceable provider of spatial awareness for all future machines and devices, disrupting both industrial landscapes and consumer lives. Our technology provides a critical component for these systems, enabling machines to perceive the world. We offer commercial-grade localization and mapping software based on a technology called SLAM (Simultaneous localization and mapping). This technology enables machines and devices to understand where they are, how they are moving and the structure of their environment. Perception of their surroundings is a critical ability for machines and ultimately autonomous decisions will depend on the quality of this information.

Now Artisense, another SLAM software company spinning out from Technical University Munich, joined Kudan group to accelerate SLAM development to solve more challenging problems.

Arm ベースのプロセッサ
TDA4VM ディープ ラーニングとビジョンとマルチメディアの各アクセラレータ搭載、デュアル Arm® Cortex®-A72 SoC と C7x DSP
  • サンプル・コードまたはデモ
  • 北米
  • 2-10-15 Shibuya
  • Shibuya-ku
  • Tokyo, 150-0002
  • Japan



KDN-3P-SLAM — Kudan SLAM for robotics on TI Edge AI

Kudan is a global deep technology company developing commercial artificial perception algorithms based on simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) since its founding in 2011. Kudan’s technology currently enables solutions for its partners in automotive, robotics, drone/UAV, mapping and (...)


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