VOCAL Technologies, Ltd.

Leading designer of voice, video, fax, and data communications solutions.

VOCAL Technologies (VOCAL.com) is a leading designer of voice, video, fax, and data communications solutions. VOCAL's innovative designs are used worldwide under license in millions of mobile, embedded, and networked applications.

VOCAL provides OEM developers VoIP solutions for crisp clear speech in mobile, call center, customer contact, patient monitoring, and conferencing systems. VOCAL's Voice Quality Enhancement system provides a VoIP stack with a complete range of ITU / ETSI / IEEE compliant and proprietary algorithms including speech coders, echo cancellation, noise reduction, dereverberation, jitter control, and adaptive beamforming.

VOCAL's Fax solutions include modulations & protocols, T.38 Fax Relay, analog fax support, and turnkey systems. Lawful Intercept solutions are used to extract and decode fax images from PSTN & IP network transmissions. VOCAL's data modem solutions support modulations & protocols, complete systems, remote access servers, and legacy devices.

VOCAL's modular software suite is available for licensing as source code or binary. It can be integrated with COTS or custom hardware and supports leading DSP, RISC and CISC processors and operating systems including DSP devices from Texas Instruments.

  • 北米
  • 520 Lee Entrance
  • Suite 202
  • Buffalo, New York, 14228
  • United States

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