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GF PowerPC Intelligent Platform Beijing Co., Ltd

GF PowerPC Intelligent Platform Beijing Co., Ltd

Supports GF_AM6254_PC104, car center control board designs

GF PowerPC Intelligent Platform Beijing Co., Ltd., also known as GF, is a professional company with over a decade of experience in researching and manufacturing embedded processor platforms. Their products primarily use processors with ARM and PowerPC architectures from companies like TI, Feiteng, and NXP (Freescale). Coupled with XILINX and ALTERA's FPGAs, as well as VXWorks and LINUX operating systems, they design and manufacture custom board cards to meet various needs of clients in power, communications, and transportation sectors. They employ a range of processors, including FT2000/4, FT_E2000, LS1043, LS1046, i.MX6, AM3352, AM623, AM625, AM641, AM642, DRA829, and many more. Their portfolio encompasses nearly 200 varieties of board cards, and they actively assist their customers with quick product upgrades and replacements. At GF, they not only provide customized board card services, but also offer core board services to meet different customer needs. GF has accumulated rich experience in designing and manufacturing embedded platform solutions.
  • 開發板
  • 中國
  • 北美
  • 印度
  • 大洋洲
  • 日本
  • 歐洲
  • Room 305, Yipinshangceng, No. 9, Anningzhuang Xisantiao
  • Beijing, 100085
  • China



GF-3P-AM625X-PC104 — GF PowerPC Intelligent Platform PC104 automotive central control screen control board

GF PowerPC Intelligent Platform AM6254-PC104 is an embedded board based on TI's AM6254 chip, which features a quad-core Cortex-A53+Cortex-M4F heterogeneous architecture with a maximum clock speed of 1.4 GHz. The entire board is designed for industrial-grade use and undergoes rigorous testing (...)


特定資訊和資源 (包括非 TI 網站的連結) 可能由 TI 的合作夥伴網路成員提供,納入此處僅供方便使用。TI 不是該等資訊和資源之內容的提供者,亦不為該等資訊和資源之內容負責,且您應代表您自己針對您的預期使用,對其進行審慎評估。在此處納入該等資訊和資源並不暗示 TI 對這些公司的背書,且不應解讀為對他們的產品或服務之適用性的保證或聲明,無論是獨立或結合任何 TI 產品或服務皆然。