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iWave Global EMEA-FZ LLC
Embedded computing modules and solutions, ODM design services
iWave Global specializes in embedded solutions for Industrial, Medical and Automotive vertical markets. They offer a wide range of system on modules and single board computers in various form factors, including Qseven, SMARC, SODIMM, and OSM. iWave also offers ODM solutions and design services enabling companies in their product development.
With certified manufacturing ecosystem in the USA, Japan, and Taiwan, they deliver high-quality CPU modules, single-board computers, and customized chip-on-board designs.
iWave's comprehensive engineering services cover embedded hardware, FPGA, and software development, including carrier boards, custom hardware development, thermal solutions, ergonomic industrial design, manufacturing, and certification.
- 聯絡合作夥伴
- www.iwave-global.com
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IWAVE-3P-OSM-LF-AM62A — iWave AM62A OSM-LF system on module for AM62A3 and AM62A7 processors
iWave iW-RainboW-G55M OSM SoM with AM62A3 and AM62A7 Sitara Processor