Radiocrafts AS

Providor of high performance RF modules using license-free ISM bands

Radiocrafts is a leading RF module design and manufacturing company. Radiocrafts’ standard RF modules provide compact, easy-to-use, low cost, low power and high performance RF solutions for a large number of wireless applications using license-free ISM bands. By using modules OEM manufacturers without RF design knowledge can easily add wireless technology into their design, reducing time-to-market, cost of design, test and compliance approvals. Radiocrafts also offers custom and application specific product development, supporting customers from initial project ideas to volume product delivery.

Radiocrafts currently provides solutions in the frequency bands 169, 433, 868, 915, 2450 MHz, supporting radio protocols such as Wireless M-Bus, KNX, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, SIGFOX, WIZE as well as proprietary solutions such as TinyMesh, RC232, and now our newest product lines, RIIoT and RIIM.

Sub-1 GHz 收發器
CC1020 適用 402-470 和 804-940 MHz 範圍窄頻應用的單晶片 FSK/OOK CMOS 無線收發器 CC1120 適用窄頻系統的高效能 Sub-1 GHz 無線收發器 CC1125 適用窄頻系統的超高效能 Sub-1 GHz 無線收發器 CC1190 850 - 950MHz RF 前端 CC1200 低功耗且高效能的無線收發器


Sub-1 GHz 無線 MCU
CC1310 含 128kB 快閃記憶體的 SimpleLink™ 32 位元 Arm Cortex-M3 Sub-1 GHz 無線 MCU CC1312R 具有 352kB 快閃記憶體的 SimpleLink™ 32 位元 Arm Cortex-M4F Sub-1 GHz 無線 MCU CC1314R10 具 1-MB 快閃記憶體和高達 296 kB SRAM 的 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M33 Sub-1 GHz 無線 MCU CC1350 具 128kB 快閃記憶體的 SimpleLink™ 32 位元 Arm Cortex-M3 多協定 Sub-1 GHz 和 2.4 GHz 無線 MCU CC1352R 具有 352kB 快閃記憶體的 SimpleLink™ 32 位元 Arm Cortex-M4F 多協定 Sub-1 GHz 和 2.4 GHz 無線 MCU


低耗電 2.4-GHz 產品
CC2530 具 256kB 快閃記憶體和 8kB RAM 的 Zigbee 與 IEEE 802.15.4 無線 MCU


CC2510 2.4GHz 無線電收發器、8051 MCU 和 16KB 或 32 KB 記憶體 CC2591 2.4 GHz 增距器 CC2592 2.4 GHz 範圍延伸器,輸出功率高達 +22 dBm
  • 開發板
  • 北美
  • 歐洲
  • Sandakerveien 64
  • NO-0484
  • Oslo



RDCR-3P-RADIO-MOD — Radiocrafts 嵌入式無線電模組

Radiocrafts’ standard RF modules provide compact, easy-to-use, low cost, low power and high-performance RF solutions for a large number of wireless applications using license-free ISM bands (169 MHz – 2.4 GHz). Using modules, OEM manufacturers without RF design knowledge can easily add (...)

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