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Synchronous rectification

Improve your efficiency and power density with our high-performance synchronous rectifier controllers

Smaller, high efficiency controllers

Our portfolio of high-performance synchronous rectifier controllers enables higher efficiency for power supplies by replacing the output rectifier diode with a more efficient synchronous rectifier field-effect transistor. This topology helps you create solutions that are smaller, cooler and compliant with stringent efficiency requirements.

Browse products by category

Single-channel controllers

Supports all single-stage and multi-stage topologies

Dual-channel controllers

Optimized for LLC and other half-bridge topologies

Primary-side startup

Support a fast transient response with one-sixth of the capacitance at the output.

Synchronous rectification controllers

Technical resources

Video series
Video series
Control & design challenges for SR controllers
This training series explains how to achieve efficiency improvement and presents design criteria for selecting a suitable SR MOSFET.
Application note
Application note
Design Considerations With Dual-Channel SR Controller UCC24624
This application note provides helpful tips and design considerations when using our latest SR controller and LLC resonant converter applications.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
More literature
More literature
Achieving High Power Density and Ultra Low Standby Power in Flyback Converters
This seminar offers a review of how our newest wake-up IC, UCC24650, improves transient response in a PSR flyback supply while reducing output capacitance and still maintaining excellent standby power.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF