DRV2624EVM-MINI DRV2624 Breakout Board for ERM / LRA Haptics angled board image


Tablero de desconexión para hápticos ERM/LRA DRV2624


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Características para DRV2624EVM-MINI

  • Easily integrate the DRV2624 into new or existing systems
  • Small break-out board, 10 x 10 mm
  • Includes DRV2624 and required passive components
  • Connects to external I2C host, microcontroller, or applications processor, including Haptic Control Console
  • Supports most ERM or LRA haptic actuator

Descripción de DRV2624EVM-MINI

The DRV2624EVM-MINI is a small, break-out board for the DRV2624 ERM/LRA Haptics driver.  The board can be used for quickly integating the DRV2624 into any new or existing system.   The DRV2624 is an ultra low power hatpic driver with integrated waveform library for driving eccentric rotating mass (ERM) or linear resonant actuators (LRA).  The board includes the DRV2624 along with the required passive components to operate the DRV2624.   Simply connect power, I2C communication, and an actuator to get started with the DRV2624.


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