688-pin (CMH) package image

TMS320C6457CCMH アクティブ

通信インフラ デジタル シグナル プロセッサ


数量 価格


定格 Catalog
RoHS はい
リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料 SNAGCU
MSL rating / リフローピーク温度 Level-4-245C-72HR


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL rating / リフローピーク温度
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果


  • ファブ拠点
  • アセンブリ拠点



  • US ECCN (米国輸出規制分類番号):3A991A2

TMS320C6457 に関するその他の情報


パッケージ | ピン数 FCBGA (CMH) | 688
動作温度範囲 (℃) 0 to 100
パッケージ数量 | キャリア 60 | JEDEC TRAY (5+1)

TMS320C6457 の特徴

  • High-Performance Fixed-Point DSP (C6457)
    • 1.18-ns, 1-ns, and 0.83-ns Instruction Cycle Time/li>
    • 850-MHz, 1-GHz, and 1.2-GHz Clock Rate
    • Eight 32-Bit Instructions/Cycle
    • 8000 and 9600 MIPS/MMACS (16-Bits)
    • Case Temperature
      • Commercial:
        • 0°C to 100°C (850 MHz)
        • 0°C to 100°C (1 GHz)
        • 0°C to 95°C (1.2 GHz)
      • Extended:
        • -40°C to 100°C (1 GHz)
        • -40°C to 95°C (1.2 GHz)
  • TMS320C64x+™ DSP Core
    • Dedicated SPLOOP Instruction
    • Compact Instructions (16-Bit)
    • Instruction Set Enhancements
    • Exception Handling
  • TMS320C64x+ Megamodule L1/L2 Memory Architecture:
    • 256K-Bit (32K-Byte) L1P Program Cache [Direct Mapped]
    • 256K-Bit (32K-Byte) L1D Data Cache [2-Way Set-Associative]
    • 16M-Bit (2048K-Byte) L2 Unified Mapped Ram/Cache [Flexible Allocation]
      • Configurable up to 1MB of L2 Cache
    • 512K-Bit (64K-Byte) L3 ROM
    • Time Stamp Counter
  • Enhanced VCP2
    • Supports Over 694 7.95-Kbps AMR
    • Programmable Code Parameters
  • Two Enhanced Turbo Decoder Coprocessors (TCP2_A and TCP2_B)
    • Each TCP2 Supports up to Eight 2-Mbps 3GPP (6 Iterations)
    • Programmable Turbo Code and Decoding Parameters
  • Endianess: Little Endian, Big Endian
  • 64-Bit External Memory Interface (EMIFA)
    • Glueless Interface to Asynchronous Memories (SRAM, Flash, and EEPROM) and Synchronous Memories (SBSRAM, ZBT SRAM)
    • Supports Interface to Standard Sync Devices and Custom Logic (FPGA, CPLD, ASICs, etc.)
    • 32M-Byte Total Addressable External Memory Space
  • 32-Bit DDR2 Memory Controller (DDR2-667 SDRAM)
  • Four 1× Serial RapidIO® Links (or One 4×), v1.3 Compliant
    • 1.25-, 2.5-, 3.125-Gbps Link Rates
    • Message Passing, DirectIO Support, Error Mgmt Extensions, Congestion Control
    • IEEE 1149.6 Compliant I/Os
  • EDMA3 Controller (64 Independent Channels)
  • 32-/16-Bit Host-Port Interface (HPI)
  • Two 1.8-V McBSPs
  • 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet MAC (EMAC)
    • IEEE 802.3 Compliant
    • Supports SGMII, v1.8 Compliant
    • 8 Independent Transmit (TX) and 8 Independent Receive (RX) Channels
  • Two 64-Bit General-Purpose Timers
    • Configurable as Four 32-Bit Timers
    • Configurable in a Watchdog Timer Mode
    • UTOPIA Level 2 Slave ATM Controller
    • 8-Bit Transmit and Receive Operations up to 50 MHz per Direction
    • User-Defined Cell Format up to 64 Bytes
  • One 1.8-V Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Bus
  • 16 General-Purpose I/O (GPIO) Pins
  • System PLL and PLL Controller
  • DDR PLL, Dedicated to DDR2 Memory Controller
  • Advanced Event Triggering (AET) Compatible
  • Trace-Enabled Device
  • Supports IP Security
  • IEEE-1149.1 and IEEE-1149.6 (JTAG™) Boundary-Scan-Compatible
  • 688-Pin Ball Grid Array (BGA) Package (CMH or GMH Suffix), 0.8-mm Ball Pitch
  • 0.065-µm/7-Level Cu Metal Process (CMOS)
  • 3.3-V, 1.8-V, 1.1-V I/Os, 1.1-V and 1.2-V Internal

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TMS320C6457 に関する概要

The TMS320C64x+™ DSPs (including the TMS320C6457 device) are the highest-performance fixed-point DSP generation in the TMS320C6000™ DSP platform. The C6457 device is based on the third-generation high-performance, advanced VelociTI™ very-long-instruction-word (VLIW) architecture developed by Texas Instruments (TI), making these DSPs an excellent choice for applications including video and telecom infrastructure, imaging/medical, and wireless infrastructure (WI). The C64x+ devices are upward code-compatible from previous devices that are part of the C6000™ DSP platform.

Based on 65-nm process technology and with performance of up to 9600 million instructions per second (MIPS) [or 9600 16-bit MMACs per cycle] at a 1.2-GHz clock rate, the C6457 device offers cost-effective solutions to high-performance DSP programming challenges. The C6457 DSP possesses the operational flexibility of high-speed controllers and the numerical capability of array processors.

The C64x+ DSP core employs eight functional units, two register files, and two data paths. Like the earlier C6000 devices, two of these eight functional units are multipliers or .M units. Each C64x+ .M unit doubles the multiply throughput versus the C64x core by performing four 16-bit × 16-bit multiply-accumulates (MACs) every clock cycle. Thus, eight 16-bit × 16-bit MACs can be executed every cycle on the C64x+ core. At a 1.2-GHz clock rate, this means 9600 16-bit MMACs can occur every second. Moreover, each multiplier on the C64x+ core can compute one 32-bit × 32-bit MAC or four 8-bit × 8-bit MACs every clock cycle.

The C6457 device includes Serial RapidIO®. This high-bandwidth peripheral dramatically improves system performance and reduces system cost for applications that include multiple DSPs on a board, such as video and telecom infrastructures and medical/imaging.

The C6457 DSP integrates a large amount of on-chip memory organized as a two-level memory system. The level-1 (L1) program and data memories on the C6457 device are 32KB each. This memory can be configured as mapped RAM, cache, or some combination of the two. When configured as cache, L1 program (L1P) is a direct mapped cache whereas L1 data (L1D) is a two-way set associative cache. The level 2 (L2) memory is shared between program and data space and is 2048KB in size. L2 memory can also be configured as mapped RAM, cache, or some combination of the two. L2 is configurable up to 1MB of cache. The C64x+ Megamodule also has a 32-bit peripheral configuration (CFG) port, an internal DMA (IDMA) controller, a system component with reset/boot control, interrupt/exception control, a power-down control, and a free-running 32-bit timer for time stamp.

The peripheral set includes: an inter-integrated circuit bus module (I2C); two multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs); an 8-bit Universal Test and Operations PHY Interface for Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Slave [UTOPIA Slave] port; two 64-bit general-purpose timers (also configurable as four 32-bit timers); a user-configurable 16-bit or 32-bit host-port interface (HPI16/HPI32); a 16-pin general-purpose input/output port (GPIO) with programmable interrupt/event generation modes; an 10/100/1000 Ethernet media access controller (EMAC), which provides an efficient interface between the C6457 DSP core processor and the network; a management data input/output (MDIO) module (also part of the EMAC) that continuously polls all 32 MDIO addresses in order to enumerate all PHY devices in the system; a glueless external memory interface (64-bit EMIFA), which is capable of interfacing to synchronous and asynchronous peripherals; and a 32-bit DDR2 SDRAM interface.

The C6457 device has three high-performance embedded coprocessors [one enhanced Viterbi Decoder Coprocessor (VCP2) and two enhanced Turbo Decoder Coprocessors (TCP2_A and TCP2_B)] that significantly speed up channel-decoding operations on-chip. The VCP2 operating at CPU clock ÷ 3 can decode more than 694 7.95-Kbps adaptive multi-rate (AMR) [K = 9, R = 1/3] voice channels. The VCP2 supports constraint lengths K = 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, rates R = 3/4, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and 1/5, and flexible polynomials, while generating hard decisions or soft decisions. Each TCP2 operating at CPU clock ÷ 3 can decode up to fifty 384-Kbps or eight 2-Mbps turbo encoded channels (assuming 6 iterations). The TCP2 implements the max*log-map algorithm and is designed to support all polynomials and rates required by Third-Generation Partnership Projects (3GPP and 3GPP2), with fully programmable frame length and turbo interleaver. Decoding parameters such as the number of iterations and stopping criteria are also programmable. Communications between the VCP2/TCP2s and the CPU are carried out through the EDMA3 controller.

The C6457 device has a complete set of development tools, which includes: a new C compiler, an assembly optimizer to simplify programming and scheduling, and a Windows® debugger interface for visibility into source code execution.


数量 価格

キャリア オプション

パーツの数量に応じて、リール全体、カスタム リール、カット テープ、チューブ、トレイを含め、さまざまなキャリア オプションを選択できます。

カスタム リールとは、ご注文の数量に正確に一致するように 1 本のリールからカットした一定の長さのテープのことであり、ロット コードと日付コードのトレーサビリティを維持できます。業界標準に従い、真鍮製のスペーサーを使用し、カット済みテープの両側に 1 本の 18 インチ (45cm) フラット リーダー (先行) テープと、1 本の 18 インチ (45cm) フラット トレーラ (後続) テープを取り付けた状態であり、自動アセンブリ マシンに直接供給することができます。カスタム リールをご注文になった場合、リール処理料金がかかります。

カット テープとは、リールから切り離した一定の長さのテープのことです。ご注文の数量にあわせて、納品時に複数のカット テープまたは複数の箱に分割されることがあります。

在庫状況により、多くの場合、チューブトレイ デバイスは、箱、またはチューブやトレイに梱包された形態で出荷されます。すべてのテープ、チューブ、またはサンプル ボックスは、TI 社内の静電気放電 (ESD) 保護と湿度感度レベル (MSL) 保護の要件に従って梱包してあります。



カートにご希望の数量を追加し、チェックアウト プロセスを開始すると、既存の在庫からロットまたは日付コードを選択できる各種オプションが表示されます。
