Consumption Notification
Gray Rule

   The purpose of this PIP is to communicate material consumption to the supplier allowing the supplier to trigger invoicing for the consumed material. The "Notify of Consumption" Partner Interface process? (PIP) supports consumption notification within a consignment inventory management process where
  • The supplier ships product to a consigned warehouse location based upon receipt of demand forecast and the subsequent calculation of replenishment requirements. RosettaNet PIP 4A3 Notify of Threshold Release Forecast supports this process.
  • The consignment warehouse manager ships product to the delivery location upon receipt of a Notify of Material Release. RosettaNet PIP 4D1 supports this process. The consignment warehouse manager may be the supplier, a 3rd party logistics provider, or even the customer and is responsible for managing inventory shipments prior to receipt of material releases.
  • Upon consumption, a Consumption Notification is sent to the supplier identifying consumed product quantities. The actual point of consumption is agreed upon in the TPA and is most often shipment to the customer, receipt by the customer, or usage by the customer. The party sending the consumption notification is either the consignment warehouse manager or the customer depending on the point of consumption. RosettaNet PIP 4B3 supports this process.
  • Supplier invoicing [and remittance] activities occur upon receipt of the consumption notification from the consignment warehouse manager. RosettaNet PIP 3C3 supports this process.
  • Or customer Self-billings invoicing can vehicle this consumption simultaneously with financial reference data that will be used when payment is made. RosettaNet PIP3C7 will support this process.
  • Remittance will occur as per payment-terms; RosettaNet PIP3C6 supports this process.

TI Semiconductor Guidelines



TI Guidelines are based on RosettaNet, EDIFICE, or EIDX standards and process models.