| Release against a Material Release (MR) Forecast | |
• Global Strategies
This message provides a customer with the ability to convey precise schedule requirements to a supplier. It is intended to supplement the RosettaNet 4A4 and EDIFACT Delivery Schedule (DELFOR). The use of this message will facilitate the practice of just-in-time manufacturing. It does so by providing the customer with a mechanism to issue precise shipping schedule requirements on a more frequent basis than with the issuance of a planning schedule transaction, such as daily shipping schedules versus weekly planning schedules.
The complimentary documents to accomplish this scheduling and demand are: RosettaNet: 4A4 (Forecast), 4D1 (Release against forecast) EDIFACT: DELFOR (Forecast), DELJIT (Release against forecast) ANSI ASC X12: 830 (Forecast), 862 (Release against forecast) TI Semiconductor Guidelines ROSETTANET: 4D1 EDIFACT: DELJIT ANSI ASC X12: 862 TI Guidelines are based on RosettaNet, EDIFICE, or EIDX standards and process models.