DC/DC converter system

Products and reference designs

DC/DC converter system

Block diagram


Our integrated circuits and reference designs help you create DC/DC converter designs that efficiently transfer energy to and from one power rail to another in systems ranging from 12 V to 800 V.

Design requirements

DC/DC converter systems require:

  • High performance and fast digital control loops enabling highly efficient power conversion and increased power density.
  • Simplified and efficient integration of bidirectional 12-V to 48-V DC/DC converter solutions.
  • Load balancing for parallel operating (multi-phase) power supplies.

Block diagram

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DC/DC converter system

LV rail LV rail HV battery HV battery Secondary temperature sense Secondary temperature sense Temperature sensor Temperature sensor Microcontroller Microcontroller MCU MCU Primary current sensing bias supply Primary current sensing bias supply Isolated amplifier bias supply Isolated amplifier bias supply Gate driver bias supply Gate driver bias supply Gate driver bias supply Gate driver bias supply PMIC PMIC LDO/PMIC LDO/PMIC Digital isolation Digital isolation Communication/diagnostics Communication/diagnostics CAN CAN CAN/LIN CAN/LIN Voltage reference Voltage reference Voltage reference Voltage reference Half bridge driver Half bridge driver Half bridge/ isolated gate driver Half bridge/ isolated gate driver QA QA QB QB QC QC QD QD QB QB QC QC QD QD QA QA QF QF QG QG QE QE QE QE QF QF QG QG QH QH Primary temperature sense Primary temperature sense Temperature sensor Temperature sensor Isolated gate driver Isolated gate driver Isolated gate driver Isolated gate driver PWM PWM PWM PWM Primary voltage sense Primary voltage sense Isolated amplifier Isolated amplifier To MCU To MCU 5V or others 5V or others To MCU To MCU Primary current sense Primary current sense Isolated amplifier / hall sensor Isolated amplifier / hall sensor 5V or others 5V or others 12V battery 12V battery Voltage sense Voltage sense To MCU To MCU Secondary current sensing bias supply Secondary current sensing bias supply Buck/LDO Buck/LDO QH QH Major auxiliary power supply Major auxiliary power supply Isolated DC/DC Isolated DC/DC HV battery HVbattery Redundant power supply Redundant power supply Non-isolated DC/DC Non-isolated DC/DC 12V battery 12Vbattery Reverse battery protection Reverse battery protection Reverse battery protection Reverse battery protection To non-iso driver To non-iso driver Shunt / magnetic Shunt / magnetic Shunt / magnetic Shunt / magnetic Secondary current sense Secondary current sense Amplifier/hall sensor Amplifier/hall sensor Minor auxiliary power supply Minor auxiliary power supply Non-isolated DC/DC Non-isolated DC/DC Circuit breaker Circuit breaker HSSC HSSC Supply voltage monitoring Supply voltage monitoring HV supervisor HV supervisor Supply voltage monitoring Supply voltage monitoring LV supervisor LV supervisor To MCU To MCU

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