
製品とリファレンス デザイン




電気化学測定または他の物理現象を対象とするラボ装置を設計する場合、TI の IC とリファレンス デザインは、次世代の分析ラボ計測機器の製作に役立ちます。


  • 物理現象に関する正確で精密な電気的表現。
  • 検出限界 (Limit of Detection、LoD) に対する電気システムの影響が最小。
  • 短い測定時間で高精度の測定。
  • 低ノイズ、低 EMI、高効率で、高集積の電源システム。





Analog front end Analog front end Memory Memory Super cap Supercap On board calibration On board calibration Gas Sensor GasSensor Clocking and synchronization Clocking and synchronization Clock input Clockinput Clock output Clockoutput Input protection Input protection TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS TVS Relay driver Relay driver Precision buffer Precision buffer Amp Amp Precision ADC Precision ADC Prec. ADC Prec. ADC Wired interface Wired interface Buck-boost Buck-boost Load switch Load switch DDR power DDR power Switches Switches Serial Serial RS-232 RS-232 RS-485/RS-422 RS-485/RS-422 USB USB Controller/transceiver Controller/transceiver Signal conditioner Signal conditioner Ethernet Ethernet PHY PHY CAN CAN Transceiver Transceiver PCI/PCIe PCI/PCIe PHY PHY Redriver Redriver Signal isolation Signal isolation Digital Isolator Digital Isolator ADC driver ADC driver FDA FDA System logic System logic Signal path control Signal path control SW SW MUX MUX MUX MUX Sensor DC excitation Sensor DC excitation DAC DAC Level shifter Level shifter Filter Filter Voltage reference Voltage reference Low power conditioning Low power conditioning Calibration DAC Calibration DAC DAC DAC Digital processing Digital processing FPGA FPGA Processor Arm® MPU ProcessorArm® MPU SoC supply SoC supply PMIC PMIC Voltage supervisor Voltage supervisor Processor interface Processor interface Housekeeping MCU Housekeeping MCU I2C interface I2C interface Wired MCU Wired MCU Power management Power management Isolated DC/DC Isolated DC/DC EMI filter and rectifier EMI filter and rectifier Non-isolated DC/DC Non-isolated DC/DC Boost module Boost module V­­­­ₒ Vₒ V­­­­ᵢ Vᵢ V­­­­ₒ Vₒ V­­­­ᵢ Vᵢ Flyback Flyback PFC PFC Low-side driver Low-side driver PFC controller PFC controller AC line: 85 to 265 VAC AC line: 85 to 265 VAC HV FETs HV FETs HV FET HV FET System current monitoring System current monitoring INA INA Interface protection Interface protection ESD ESD TVS TVS ESD ESD TVS TVS ESD ESD TVS TVS User interface (HMI) User interface (HMI) LED driver LED driver Backlight Backlight RBGW RBGW SDI SDI LVDS LVDS Menu Menu Settings Settings Time Time Audio amp Audio amp Video amp Video amp Isolated gate driver Isolated gate driver Isolated amp Isolated amp Sync rectifier Sync rectifier Half bridge driver Half bridge driver PWM/resonant controller PWM/resonant controller LDO stage LDO stage LDO LDO LDO LDO LDO LDO Sequencer Sequencer Shunt reference Shunt reference Buck controller Buck controller Buck converter Buck converter Buck module Buck module Boost converter Boost converter Boost controller Boost controller Input interface Input interface Touch screen controller Touch screen controller Cap touch Cap touch eFuse eFuse Hot swap Hot swap Input power protection Input power protection System monitoring System monitoring Ambient light sensor Ambient light sensor Humidity sensor Humidity sensor Temp sensor Temp sensor Clock input threshold Clock input threshold Level set DAC Level setDAC Clock reference Clock reference XO XO XTAL XTAL Clock oscillator Clock oscillator Frequency synthesizer Frequency synthesizer Clock Jitter Cleaner Clock Jitter Cleaner RF PLL synthesizer RF PLL synthesizer Clock buffer Clock buffer Clock distribution Clock distribution


すべて表示 2
種類 タイトル 英語版のダウンロード 日付
技術記事 3 key specifications when using a DAC as a programmable voltage reference PDF | HTML 2023年 8月 7日
ホワイト・ペーパー ラボ計測機器向け電源モジュール 英語版 2018年 11月 18日


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