LIDAR モジュール



TI の IC とリファレンス デザインは、ソリューション サイズの縮小と同時に、車載の機械式スキャン LIDAR (Light detection and ranging、光を使用した検出と距離測定) の性能向上に役立ちます。TI の電源製品とシグナル チェーン製品は、高帯域化とソリューション サイズの小型化を実現し、機械式スキャン LIDAR 設計の小型化、高解像度化、高効率化に寄与します。



LIDAR モジュール

Car battery Car battery Sensor fusion ECU Sensor fusion ECU Motorized beam-steering control Motorized beam-steering control Motor driver Motor driver Battery input protection Battery input protection Reverse battery protection Reverse battery protection Transient protection Transient protection Processor power supply Processor power supply DC/DC buck DC/DCbuck Buck/ LDO Buck/LDO LDO LDO Load switch Loadswitch Sequencer Sequencer Discrete or integrated PMIC Discrete or integrated PMIC Supervisor Supervisor Battery & system power supply Battery & system power supply Wide VIN DC/DC Wide VINDC/DC LDO LDO DC/DC buck DC/DC buck Digital processing Digital processing Application processor Application processor Signal-level translation & buffering Signal-level translation & buffering MCU MCU Diagnostics/monitoring Diagnostics/monitoring Control & signal logic Control & signal logic Reference Reference Voltage supervisor Voltage supervisor Temp sensor Tempsensor FPGA FPGA ETH/CAN network ETH/CAN network Incoming light signal Incoming light signal Outgoing light signal Outgoing light signal MEMS beam-steering control MEMS beam-steering control ADC ADC Reference Reference Memory Memory LDO LDO DDR DDR Flash Flash Clocking Clocking Clock Clock Oscillator Oscillator Heater/defogger Heater/defogger Load switch Load switch Heating element Heating element Laser signal generation Laser signal generation Laser diode driver Laser diode driver Laser bias power Laser bias power MUX MUX Monitoring TIA Monitoring TIA Vehicle interface Vehicle interface ESD ESD Ethernet PHY Ethernet PHY CAN PHY CAN PHY Vehicle interface power Vehicle interface power SerDes SerDes ESD ESD ESD ESD Analog front end Analog front end ADC driver ADCdriver ADC ADC Comparator Comparator TDC TDC MUX MUX TIA TIA MUX MUX TIA TIA Light sensor Light sensor Sensor bias power Sensor bias power PIN/APD/SiPM PIN/APD/SiPM SPAD module SPAD module Balanced light detector Balanced light detector FMCW/Scanning FMCW/Scanning ToF/Scanning ToF/Scanning ToF/Flash ToF/Flash


すべて表示 3
種類 タイトル 英語版のダウンロード 日付
ホワイト・ペーパー An Introduction to Automotive LIDAR (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2023年 8月 21日
アプリケーション概要 Choosing the Right Voltage Reference for Your Automotive Application 2022年 5月 10日
アプリケーション概要 Time of Flight and LIDAR - Optical Front End Design (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2022年 5月 10日


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