Modem (cable/DSL/GFAST)

Products and reference designs

Modem (cable/DSL/GFAST)

Block diagram


Our integrated circuits and reference designs help you create broadband modem systems that enable support for the latest standards like G.mgfast and DOCSIS 3.1. Our high-speed line drivers support 106-MHz and 212-MHz digital subscriber line (DSL) profiles that use native discrete multitone modulation (DMT) signals.

Design requirements

Modern modem (cable/DSL/GFAST) systems require:

  • Ability to overcome and accommodate wide variations of signal conditions.
  • Superior external machine interface (EMI) and distortion performance with low-power consumption.

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Modem (cable/DSL/GFAST)

10/100/1000 Ethernet (RJ-45) 10/100/1000 Ethernet(RJ-45) Broadband DSL Broadband DSL RGMII/SGMII/MDIO RGMII/SGMII/MDIO 12V 12V AC in AC in USB USB AC/DC power supply AC/DC power supply AC/DC converter AC/DC converter Point of load (POL) power Point of load (POL) power DC/DC converter DC/DC converter LDO LDO DDR termination DDR termination FET FET REF REF Sequencing & monitoring Sequencing & monitoring Sequencer Sequencer MCU MCU Comp Comp Logic Logic Reset Reset Monitoring Monitoring Load switch Load switch Broadband DSL Broadband DSL ESD ESD G.Fast/xDSL line driver G.Fast/xDSL line driver System on chip (SOC) System on chip (SOC) Processor / SoC Processor / SoC DDR DDR Flash Flash Buffer Buffer Voltage translator Voltage translator Logic gates Logic gates Temp sense Temp sense I2C I2C Analog switch/mux Analog switch/mux MCU MCU Ethernet ports Ethernet ports ESD ESD Ethernet PHY Ethernet PHY USB USB ESD ESD Current limit Current limit LED control LED control Shift register Shift register LED driver LED driver

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