Oxygen concentrator

Products and reference designs

Oxygen concentrator

Block diagram


Our integrated circuits and reference designs help you create innovative oxygen concentrators.

Design requirements

Innovative oxygen concentrators often require:

  • Highly integrated and accurate front ends for sensing oxygen, pressure and temperature and flow.
  • Small PCB form factor and higher motor drive stage efficiency with additional safety features.
  • Efficient power management solutions and improved battery runtime.

TI products may not be used in life-critical medical equipment unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special contract specifically governing such use. See our Terms of Sale for additional information.

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Block diagram

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Oxygen concentrator

M M Compressor motor Compressor motor AC AC Battery management Battery management Battery charger Battery charger Battery authentication Battery authentication Battery gauge Battery gauge Clocking Clocking RTC RTC Clock oscillator Clock oscillator Output user interface Output user interface REF REF DAC DAC AMP AMP Buzzer/speaker/alarm Buzzer/speaker/alarm Backlight power Backlight power Display driver Display driver 7-segment display driver 7-segment display driver DPOT DPOT LEDs LEDs LCD LCD LED indication (power, oxygen purity, fault) LED indication (power, oxygen purity, fault) ESD ESD TVS TVS Motor drive (compressor) Motor drive (compressor) MOSFET MOSFET MOSFET driver MOSFET driver Pressure/flow/temp sensor front end Pressure/flow/temp sensor front end ADC ADC Pressure sensor Pressuresensor REF REF COMP COMP PGA PGA Flow sensor Flow sensor Temp sensor Temp sensor Digital processing Digital processing MCU/ MPU/ DSP MCU/MPU/DSP Low voltage power supply Low voltage power supply Sequencer Sequencer LDO LDO Supervisor / reset Supervisor / reset Load switch Load switch Buck Buck Boost Boost Buck-boost Buck-boost E-fuse E-fuse PMIC PMIC Isolated AC/DC power supply Isolated AC/DC power supply MOSFET MOSFET PWM Controller PWM Controller Rectifier Rectifier REF REF OPA OPA Gas sensor front end Gas sensor front end ADC ADC Oxygen sensor Oxygensensor REF REF TIA TIA AMP AMP DAC DAC Nitrogen sensor Nitrogensensor Valve drivers for concentrator Valve drivers for concentrator Relay driver Relay driver Valves Valves Relays Relays Storage memory Storage memory EEPROM / Flash/DDR EEPROM / Flash/DDR DDR terminator DDR terminator Wireless interface Wireless interface BT/BLE BT/BLE Input user interface Input user interface Keypad controller Keypad controller Touchscreen controller Touchscreen controller Haptics driver Haptics driver Cap to digital converter Cap to digital converter Inductance to digital converter (button detect) Inductance to digital converter (button detect) Push button controller Push button controller Multiple switch inputs (e.g. flow adjustment, emergency stop) Multiple switch inputs (e.g. flow adjustment, emergency stop) ESD ESD TVS TVS Wired interface Wired interface ESD/TVS Protection ESD/TVS Protection USB USB Current Limit Switch Current Limit Switch RS485 RS485 Current sensing Current sensing ADC ADC REF REF AMP AMP Comp Comp

Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
White paper An Interleaved PFC Preregulator for High-Power Converters 28 Apr 2015
White paper High Precision & Accurate sensing at lowest flow rate for metering applications 17 Sep 2020
Product overview Scalable Battery Backup Subsystem With Adjustable Output (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 16 Oct 2023

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