Standalone avionics PFC

Products and reference designs

Standalone avionics PFC

Block diagram


Our integrated circuits and reference designs help you develop highly-efficient standalone avionics precision flight control (PFC) solutions to meet the DO-160 and MIL-STD-810 standards while also reducing size and weight.

Design requirements

Modern standalone avionics PFC systems require:

  • Meeting DO-160 THD and EMI specifications.
  • Reducing size and weight of system components to maximize aircraft fuel efficiency.
  • Support for variable (360Hz to 800Hz) frequency AC power.

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Block diagram

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Standalone avionics PFC

115Vac bus 360-800Hz 115Vac bus360-800Hz 28Vdc bus 28Vdc bus HVdc bus HVdc bus HVdc HVdc Inrush limiting Inrush limiting R-sense R-sense EMI Filter EMI Filter PFC control PFC control PFC Controller PFCController Micro Controller MicroController Sychronous rectifier controller Sychronous rectifier controller Synchronous rectifer controller Synchronousrectifercontroller Auxillary supply Auxillary supply Auxiliary Supply AuxiliarySupply Low side driver Low side driver Low Side Driver Low Side Driver GaN GaN GaN GaN Isolated DC/DC primary side Isolated DC/DC primary side GaN GaN PWM controller PWMcontroller Half bridge driver Half bridge driver Shunt reference Shunt reference Shunt reference Shuntreference Over current protection Over current protection Comp Comp INA INA Over temperature protection Over temperature protection Temp sense Temp sense Comp Comp Sensing Sensing Series reference Series reference Amp Amp MUX MUX ADC ADC Clock Clock Digital isolator Digital isolator Digital isolator Digital isolator Interface Interface RS-485 RS-485 LVDS LVDS I2C I2C CAN CAN Ethernet Ethernet ESD ESD Point of load supply Point of load supply DC/DC regulators DC/DCregulators LDOs LDOs Current sense Current sense Supervisor Supervisor

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