Traction inverter motor control

Products and reference designs

Traction inverter motor control

Block diagram


Our integrated circuits and reference designs help you create smarter and more efficient elevator traction inverter motor controls that are used with elevator systems.

Design requirements

Modern elevator traction inverter motor controllers require:

  • Efficient motor drive and control including regenerative drive to reduce average and peak power consumption.
  • More compact designs to reduce material costs.
  • Protection and monitor features enabling predictive maintenance to reduce downtime and service costs.

Extend the capabilities of this application

Block diagram

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Traction inverter motor control

Digital I/O, serial, inspection signals DigitalI/O, serial, inspection signals 3-Ph 220-480 VAC grid 3-Ph220-480 VACgrid 1-Ph 110-220 VAC, External 24-48 VDC, or DCLink 1-Ph 110-220 VAC,External 24-48 VDC,orDCLink Isolated driver supplies Isolateddriver supplies M M Motor (PMAC) Motor (PMAC) Grid, DCLink, and motor Grid,DCLink,andmotor 24 V ± 15 V 5 V 3.3 V 24 V± 15 V5 V3.3 V Motor encoder Motor encoder MCU MCU MCU MCU Brake Brake 6x PWM 6xPWM Relays (contactors, fans, HV signals) Relays(contactors, fans, HV signals) 12x PWM, Brake 12x PWM,Brake 3x 3x 3x 3x DCLink DCLink 6x PWM 6xPWM Self-diagnostics/monitoring Self-diagnostics/monitoring Voltage Supervisor Voltage Supervisor Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Heat sink, IGBT, motor temp Heat sink,IGBT,motor temp 7x 7x Faults Faults MCU MCU Converter power stage Converter power stage Diodes (non-regen) Diodes (non-regen) Isolated gate driver Isolated gate driver Circuit breaker, AC reactor, EMI filter, contactors Circuitbreaker,AC reactor,EMI filter,contactors Precharge Precharge Logic Logic 6x IGBTs (regen) 6x IGBTs (regen) DCLink non-regen power stage DCLink non-regen power stage Isolated gate driver Isolatedgate driver Brake resistor, 1x IGBT, DC reactor Brake resistor,1x IGBT,DC reactor Logic Logic Inverter power stage Inverter power stage Isolated gate driver Isolated gate driver 6x IGBTs 6xIGBTs Contactor, EMI filter, AC reactor Contactor, EMI filter, AC reactor Logic Logic Encoder interface Encoder interface Comp Comp Ref Ref Amp Amp RS-485 RS-485 ESD ESD eFuse eFuse ADC ADC Current & voltage sensing Current & voltage sensing Voltage dividers Voltage dividers Hall effect sensors Hall effect sensors Iso amps Isoamps Amp Amp Digital processing Digital processing MCU MCU Voltage Translator Voltage Translator Ref Ref Non-volatile memory Non-volatile memory Logic Logic Buffer Buffer Isolated & non-isolated wired interface Isolated & non-isolated wired interface CAN CAN RS-232 RS-232 RS-422 RS-422 RS-485 RS-485 Signal input/output protection Signal input/output protection ESD ESD eFuses eFuses Relay interface Relay interface Logic Logic Relay driver Relay driver Isolated DC/DC power supply Isolated DC/DC power supply Buck Buck DC/DC DC/DC LDO LDO Diode Bridge Diode Bridge Ref Ref Isolated DC/DC hot side Isolated DC/DC hot side DC/DC DC/DC Temperature sensing Temperature sensing Temp sensor Temp sensor Thermistor Thermistor Comp Comp Ref Ref Signal conditioning Signal conditioning Logic Logic Comp Comp Ref Ref ADC ADC Isolation Isolation Amp Amp Signal isolation Signal isolation Isolation Isolation

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