Evaluate with TUSS4440
Start evaluating with the hardware, software, and key documentation that you will need to evaluate the TUSS4440.
Evaluation board
— TUSS4440 transformer driven ultrasonic transducer with LDO evaluation module
Development kit
MSP-EXP430F5529LP — MSP430F5529 LaunchPad™ development kit for USB
Doing data capture and evaluation.
Support software
SLDC021 — TUSS Generation III EVM GUI
You want to use TUSS4440 and TUSS4470 data capture and monitoring functionality.
SLDC021 — TUSS Generation III EVM GUI
Release date: 30 Jan 2020
Ultrasonic sensor AFEs
Hardware development
Evaluation board
Release Infomation
The design resource accessed as www.ti.com/lit/zip/sldc021 or www.ti.com/lit/xx/sldc021c/sldc021c.zip has been migrated to a new user experience at www.ti.com/tool/download/SLDC021. Please update any bookmarks accordingly.