The DLi6500 development kit includes the DLPC900 digital controller and supports two .65” 1080p resolution DMDs, either the DLP6500FYE or the DLP6500FLQ. At the heart of the DLi6500 development kit is the DLPC900 digital controller. The DLPC900 allows for high-speed binary pattern rates up to 9.5 kHz, 8-bit grayscale patterns up to 250 Hz and grayscale video at 60 Hz. The kit and its compatible software allow designers maximum pixel control and flexibility to create and sequence light patterns, making these kits ideal for use with industrial, medical and scientific applications.
- Compatible with DLP® LightCrafter™ 6500/9000 GUI and DLPC900 API
- LED and fiber optics bundles also available
Near-UV products (400 to 420 nm)
Near-UV products (400 to 420 nm)
Order & start development
DLI6500A-DK — DLP6500FLQ .65” 1080p Type-A DMD DLPC900 Digital Controller
DLI6500S-DK — DMD/Chipset DLP6500FYE .65” 1080p Type-S DMD DLPC900 Digital Controller
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