Evaluation Board for the LM20333


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This evaluation board provides a solution to examine the full featured LM20333 buck switching regulator that is capable of driving up to 3A of load current. This device features a clock synchronization input that allows the switching frequency to be synchronized to an external clock source. The flexibility to synchronize the switching frequency from 250 kHz to 1.5 MHz allows the size of the power stage components to be reduced while still allowing for high efficiency. This board is capable of down converting from an input voltage between 4.5V and 36V. The LM20333 evaluation board has been optimized to work from 4.5V to 25V achieving a balance between overall solution size and the efficiency of the regulator. The power stage and compensation components of the LM20333 evaluation board have been optimized for an input voltage of 12V, but for testing purposes, the input can be varied across the entire operating range. The output voltage of the evaluation board is nominally 3.3V, but this voltage can be easily changed by replacing one of the feedback resistors (R5 or R6).

AC/DC & DC/DC converters (integrated FET)
LM20333 4.5-36V, 3A Current Mode Synchronous Buck Regulator with Frequency Synchronization
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Evaluation board

LM20333EVAL/NOPB — Evaluation Board for the LM20333

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Type Title Date
* EVM User's guide AN-1791 LM20333 Evaluation Board (Rev. B) 05 May 2013
Certificate LM20333EVAL/NOPB EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 02 Jan 2019

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