
LM21215A-1 Evaluation Board


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This evaluation board provides a solution to examine the highefficiency LM21215A-1 buck switching regulator. The LM21215A-1 is capable of driving up to 15A of continuous load current with excellent output voltage accuracy due to its ±1% internal reference. This device also features a clock synchronization input that allows the switching frequency to be synchronized to an external clock source. The 300 kHz to 1.5 MHz frequency synchronization range enables the user to minimize the power stage component size, while still allowing for high efficiency. The LM21215A-1 is capable of down converting from an input voltage between 2.95V and 5.5V. Fault protection features include current limit, output power good, and output over-voltage protection. The dual function softstart/tracking pin can be used to control the startup response of the LM21215A-1, and the precision enable pin can be used to easily sequence the LM21215A-1 in applications with sequencing requirements. The LM21215A-1 evaluation board has been optimized to work from 2.95V to 5.5V, achieving a balance between overall solution size and regulator efficiency. The evaluation board measures just over 2” x 2” on a four layer PCB, and exhibits a junction-to-ambient thermal impedance (θJA) of 24°C/W with no air flow. The power stage and compensation components of the LM21215A-1 evaluation board have been optimized for an input voltage of 5V, but for testing purposes, the input can be varied across the entire operating range. The output voltage of the evaluation board is nominally 1.2V, but this voltage can be easily changed to any voltage between 0.6V and VIN by modifying the feedback resistor network.

AC/DC & DC/DC converters (integrated FET)
LM21215A 2.95-5.5V, 15A, Voltage Mode Synchronous Buck Regulator with Frequency Synchronization
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Evaluation board

LM21215A-1EVM/NOPB — LM21215A-1 Evaluation Board

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LM21215ADESIGN-CALC — LM21215A DC/DC Converter Design Tool - Quick Start Calculator

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LM21215ADESIGN-CALC LM21215A DC/DC Converter Design Tool - Quick Start Calculator

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Release date: 07 Jan 2016
AC/DC & DC/DC converters (integrated FET)
LM21215A 2.95-5.5V, 15A, Voltage Mode Synchronous Buck Regulator with Frequency Synchronization
Hardware development
Evaluation board
LM21215A-1EVM LM21215A-1 Evaluation Board

Release Infomation

The design resource accessed as www.ti.com/lit/zip/snoc035 or www.ti.com/lit/xx/snoc035/snoc035.zip has been migrated to a new user experience at www.ti.com/tool/download/SNOC035. Please update any bookmarks accordingly.
TI's Standard Terms and Conditions for Evaluation Items apply.

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Type Title Date
* User guide AN-2131 LM21215A-1 Evaluation Board (Rev. A) 05 May 2013
Certificate LM21215A-1EVM/NOPB EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 02 Jan 2019

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