Memfault SimpleLink™ software


From: Memfault


Memfault is the leading IoT reliability platform that empowers teams to build more robust devices with software at scale. Memfault pairs with TI's SimpleLink(TM) wireless connectivity products to bring Memfault’s performance monitoring, device debugging, and OTA update capabilities to fleets of industrial devices.

  • Wi-Fi and cloud connectivity
  • Performance monitoring
  • Device debugging
  • Fleet management


Related design resources

Hardware development

CC3220S-LAUNCHXL CC3220S LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ wireless MCU CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL CC3220SF LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ wireless MCU LAUNCHXL-CC3235S CC3235S dual-band LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ MCU LAUNCHXL-CC3235SF CC3235SF dual-band LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ MCU

Software development

SIMPLELINK-CC32XX-SDK SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC32xx software development kit (SDK)

Support & training

Third-party support
TI does not offer ongoing direct design support for this software. For support while working through your design, contact Memfault.

Certain information and resources (including links to non-TI sites) above may be provided by a third-party partner, and is included here merely for your convenience. TI is not the provider of, and is not responsible for, the content of such information and resources, and you should evaluate them carefully for your intended uses and on your own behalf. The inclusion of such information and resources here does not imply endorsement of any third-party company by TI, and shall not be construed as a warranty or representation regarding the suitability of any third-party products or services, either alone or in combination with any TI product or service.