Target Development Board (MSP-TS430PW20) and MSP-FET Bundle (Microcontrollers not Included)


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  • Note: This kit does not include MSP430FR2xx microcontroller samples. To sample the compatible devices, please visit the product page or select the related MCU after adding the tool to the TI Store cart:

The MSP-FET430U20 bundle combines two debugging tools that support the 20-pin PW package for the MSP430FR23x microcontroller (e.g. MSP430FR2311PW20). These two tools include:

While these two debugging tools can be purchased individually, the bundle is a convenient way to purchase them both together. (Notice, though, that you must provide the appropriate MSP microcontroller in order to use this microcontroller development system.)

The MSP-TS430PW20 microcontroller development board is often referred to as a “Target Socket” board, where the term “target” refers to the microcontroller CPU under development. This board provides a ZIF (zero insertion force) socket, allowing the user to debug a MSP microcontroller target device; the actual MSP device must be obtained separately by purchasing or sampling it.

The Target Socket board provides an integral step in the development process between initial discovery and working with a  custom board.

  1. Most users begin their discovery and experimentation of an MSP microcontroller using one of TI’s many LaunchPad microcontroller development kits (e.g. MSP-EXP430FR4133, MSP-EXP430FR2311). With a wide variety of add-on BoosterPacks, the LaunchPad ecosystem provides an easy way to rapidly prototype application solutions. Convenient as they are, at some point users will outgrow the LaunchPad – just like they would any standard evaluation module (EVM) – since pinouts are partially pre-configured on these boards.
  2. Target Socket boards provide full access to the microcontroller pins, while still providing convenient debugger access using TI’s debug probes, such as the MSP-FET. This makes it easy to take prototyping to the next level. Even when custom hardware has already been developed, these boards are often used to validate software on a “known good target system”. Finally, the LaunchPad kits usually include a “superset” device, which contains the largest number of peripheral and memory for a given device family. The Target Socket boards allow users to validate code on the specific device selected for their production system.
  3. The final development step usually involves moving software/firmware development to custom hardware developed specifically for production of an end-product. If your custom hardware utilizes the recommended debugging port, the MSP-FET can continue to be used to debug and validate firmware on the final production hardware. (See the MSP Debuggers Users Guide (SLAU647) for more information on how to utilize the 14-pin connector, JTAG 4-wire, or 2-wire (Spy Bi-Wire) JTAG debugging interfaces.)

Unlike the LaunchPads, the Target Socket boards do not include their own emulation debugger interfaces. A 14-pin debug socket is included, though, which makes it easy to connect the MSP-FET debugger probe. The MSP-FET – once plugged into the debug socket –provides an easy way to connect your MSP microcontroller (placed into the ZIF socket on the Target Socket board) to your computer or browser running an integrated development environment (IDE), such as Code Composer Studio or IAR Embedded Workbench. The MSP-FET allows the IDE to write code into the MSP FRAM or Flash non-volatile memory. Besides writing memory, the MSP-FET provides access to a wide variety of other debugging features: breakpoints, single-stepping code, watching variables, as well as utilizing TI’s EnergyTrace™ Technology.

MSP430 microcontrollers
MSP430FR2000 16 MHz MCU with 0.5KB FRAM, 0.5KB SRAM, comparator, UART/SPI, timer MSP430FR2100 16 MHz MCU with 1KB FRAM, 0.5KB SRAM, comparator, 10-bit ADC, UART/SPI, timer MSP430FR2310 16 MHz integrated analog microcontroller with 2 KB FRAM, OpAmp, TIA, comparator with DAC, 10-bit ADC

Order & start development

Development kit

MSP-FET430U20 — MSP-FET + MSP-TS430PW20 FRAM Microcontroller Development Kit Bundle (Microcontrollers not Included)

Code example or demo

SLAC708 — MSP430FR231x Code Examples

Supported products & hardware

SLAC708 MSP430FR231x Code Examples

Latest version
Release date: 01 Jul 2020
download MSP430FR231x Code Examples (zip)  — 417 K

MSP430 microcontrollers
MSP430FR2310 16 MHz integrated analog microcontroller with 2 KB FRAM, OpAmp, TIA, comparator with DAC, 10-bit ADC MSP430FR2311 16-MHz integrated analog microcontroller with 3.75-KB FRAM, OpAmp, TIA, comparator w/DAC, 10-bit ADC
Hardware development
Development kit
MSP-FET430U20 Target Development Board (MSP-TS430PW20) and MSP-FET Bundle (Microcontrollers not Included)

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Technical documentation

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View all 9
Type Title Date
* User guide MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide (Rev. AH) PDF | HTML 23 Mar 2021
* Data sheet MSP430FR231x Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers datasheet (Rev. E) PDF | HTML 09 Dec 2019
Errata MSP430FR2311 Microcontroller Errata (Rev. R) PDF | HTML 21 Oct 2021
User guide IAR Embedded Workbench IDE Version 7+ for MSP430 MCUs (Rev. AS) 14 Dec 2020
User guide Code Composer Studio IDE v10.x for MSP430 MCUs (Rev. AS) 05 May 2020
User guide MSP Debuggers User's Guide (Rev. O) PDF | HTML 24 Apr 2020
White paper Enabling tomorrow’s sensing applications with smart analog microcontrollers (Rev. A) 22 Nov 2019
E-book Enhance simple analog and digital functions for $0.25 (Rev. B) 07 Feb 2018
Design guide MSP430FR2311 IR Reflection-Sensing Subsystem Design Guide 03 Aug 2016

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Hardware development

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MSP-FET MSP MCU Programmer and Debugger MSP-GANG MSP-GANG production programmer

Software development

CCSTUDIO Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE) IAR-KICKSTART IAR Embedded Workbench

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