Tool Name: IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart Version 2 (Rev. D)
- Description: 4K C-Compiler/Assembler/Debugger/Simulator. Use this file only to update an existing Embedded Workbench Version 2 Kickstart system. Not recommended for new installations.
- Contents: IAR 2.21B-P1/WIN, FET 4.25/WIN
- For use with Tool: MSP-FET430X110, MSP-FET430P120, MSP-FET430P140, MSP-FET430P410, MSP-FET430P430, MSP-FET430P440
Tool Name: IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart/Baseline/Full Version 2 Update (Rev. C)
- Description: Updates an existing IAR Embedded Workbench Version 2 installation installation with a new C-compiler (V2.21B-P1 compiler patch applies to the Kickstart version only), updated header files, linker files and DLL-library files for supporting the latest MSP430 family members. Not recommended for new installations.
- Contents: IAR 2.21B-P1/WIN, FET 4.25u/WIN
- For Use with Tool: MSP-FET430X110, MSP-FET430P120, MSP-FET430P140, MSP-FET430P410, MSP-FET430P430, MSP-FET430P440
Tool Name: IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart Version 1 (Rev. C)
- Description: 4K C-Compiler/Assembler/Debugger/Simulator. Use this file only to update an existing Embedded Workbench Version 1 Kickstart system. Not recommended for new installations.
- Contents: IAR 1.26B/WIN, FET 3.12/WIN
- For use with Tool: MSP-FET430X110, MSP-FET430P120, MSP-FET430P140, MSP-FET430P410, MSP-FET430P430, MSP-FET430P440
Tool Name: IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart/Baseline/Full Version 1 Update (Rev. C)
- Description: Use this file to update existing IAR Embedded Workbench Version 1 products to function with the MSP430. Not recommended for new installations.
- Contents: FET 3.12u/WIN
- For Use with Tool: MSP-FET430X110, MSP-FET430P120, MSP-FET430P140, MSP-FET430P410, MSP-FET430P430, MSP-FET430P440
Tool Name: Floating Point Package Version 4.13 (Rev. A)
- Description: Floating Point package for use with IAR and TI assembler
- Contents: FPP Source for IAR and TI assemblers
- For use with Tool: MSP-FET430X110, MSP-FET430P120, MSP-FET430P140, MSP-FET430P410, MSP-FET430P430, MSP-FET430P440