ARM® Keil® MDK
MDK Microcontroller Development Kit
ARM® Keil® MDK is a complete debugger and C/C++ compiler toolchain for building and debugging embedded applications. Keil MDK supports SimpleLink™ MSP432™ microcontrollers, and includes a fully integrated debugger for source and disassembly level debugging with support for complex code and data breakpoint. MDK provides full CMSIS compliance.
Key Components:
- MDK-Core is based on µVision with leading support for Cortex-M devices including the new ARMv8-M architecture.
- Combines project management, make facilities, source code editing, program debugging, and complete simulation in one powerful environment.
- Easy-to-use development platform helps you quickly create embedded programs that work.
- µVision editor and debugger are integrated in a single application that provides a seamless embedded project development environment.
- Two ARM C/C++ Compilers with assembler, linker, and highly optimize run-time libraries that are tailored for optimum code size and performance.
- Software Packs making new device support and middleware updates independent from the toolchain. They contain device support, CMSIS libraries, middleware, board support, code templates, and example projects.
- Integrated features supporting CMSIS.
- TI XDS110 debug probes for SimpleLink MSP432 MCU
Support for SimpleLink MSP432 MCU:
- Supports SimpleLink software development kit (SDK) including example projects and code templates for non OS use cases.
- Header files, debugger device peripheral description files and configuration files are available for all SimpleLink MSP432 MCU using CMSIS Packs.
- Support for SimpleLink MSP432 Automatic Software In ROM (SIR) debugging.
More information can be found at the ARM® Keil® Microcontroller Tools.
IDE, configuration, compiler or debugger
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