PCM5142 Evaluation Module


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The PCM5142EVM-U is a complete evaluation kit for use with a personal computer running the Microsoft Windows ™ operating system. This EVM can be used in conjunction with PurePath™ Studio to take advantage of the fixed-function processing and mini-DSP processing capabilities of the PCM5142 and PCM5141. The necessary evaluation software can be found online at the PCM5122 or PCM5141 Product Folder. The PCM5142EVM is in the Texas Instruments (TI) EVM form factor, which allows direct evaluation of the device performance and operating characteristics and eases software development and system prototyping. The PCM5142EVM-U is operational with one mini-USB cable connection to a PC. The USB connection provides power, control, and streaming audio data to the EVM for reduced setup and configuration. The EVM also allows external control signals and audio data for advanced operation, which allows prototyping and connection to the rest of the development or system.

PurePath Studios enables customers to take full advantage of the fixed-function audio processing and full mini-DSP capabilities of the PCM5121/2 and PCM5141/2, respectively. Using this software customers can choose a fixed function audio process flow with the PCM5121/2 and use features such as volume control, EQ, and DRC. The PCM5141/2 family can employ many more algorithms additionally, as customers can configure their own adaptable, full mini-DSP process flows with these devices, specifically suited to their application.

  • Mini-USB connection to personal computer (PC) provides power, control, and streaming audio data for easy evaluation
  • Connection points for external control and digital audio signals for quick connection to other circuits/input devices
  • Provides rapid prototyping using CodecControl™ Graphical User Interface or PurePath™ Studio
  • Audio DACs
    PCM5141 2V RMS DIRECTPATH 106dB Audio Stereo DAC with PCM interface and fully programmable miniDSP PCM5142 2V RMS DIRECTPATH 112dB Audio Stereo DAC with PCM interface and fully programmable miniDSP
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    PCM5142EVM-U — PCM5142 Evaluation Module

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    Technical documentation

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    Type Title Date
    Certificate PCM5142EVM-U EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 02 Jan 2019
    Data sheet PCM514x 2-VRMS DirectPath™, 112/106-dB Audio Stereo DAC With 32-bit, 384-kHz PCM Interface datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 13 Jan 2016
    EVM User's guide PCM512x/4x EVM User's Guide (Rev. A) 03 Nov 2014
    Application note PCM512x ROM Code Application Note 07 Jun 2012

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