LF240xA Serial Flash Programming Utility




Software programming tool

SPRC074 Download LF240xA Serial Flash Programming Utility

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

C2000 real-time microcontrollers
TMS320LF2401A 16-bit DSP, 40-MHz, 8-kw flash, 32-pin TMS320LF2402A 16-bit DSP, 40-MHz, 8-kw flash, 64-pin TMS320LF2403A 16-bit DSP, 40-MHz, 16-kw flash, 64-pin TMS320LF2406A 16-bit DSP, 40-MHz, 32-kw flash, 100-pin TMS320LF2407A 16-bit DSP, 40-MHz, 32-kw flash, 144-pin
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SPRC074 Download LF240xA Serial Flash Programming Utility

Latest version
Release date: Jun 10, 2002
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C2000 real-time microcontrollers
TMS320LF2401A 16-bit DSP, 40-MHz, 8-kw flash, 32-pin TMS320LF2402A 16-bit DSP, 40-MHz, 8-kw flash, 64-pin TMS320LF2403A 16-bit DSP, 40-MHz, 16-kw flash, 64-pin TMS320LF2406A 16-bit DSP, 40-MHz, 32-kw flash, 100-pin TMS320LF2407A 16-bit DSP, 40-MHz, 32-kw flash, 144-pin

Release Information

The design resource accessed as www.ti.com/lit/zip/sprc074 or www.ti.com/lit/xx/sprc074/sprc074.zip has been migrated to a new user experience at www.ti.com/tool/download/SPRC074. Please update any bookmarks accordingly.

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