
Tamagawa Encoder Interface Protocol on AM437x Reference Design


Design files


The commonly-accepted existing solution to interface Tamagawa SmartAbs full-absolute or Smart Inc encoders with a drive feedback and control system is to use a Smartceiver AU5561N1. Use of these receivers requires additional components, complexity, and costs to the system. This reference design details a compatible receiver implementation using Sitara™ AM437x processors, which have an Arm® Cortex®-A9 core and multiple instances of PRU-ICSS. This receiver implementation bypasses the requirement for additional components because a single instance of PRU-ICSS controls the Tamagawa encoder, while the ARM device and remaining PRU-ICSS resources handle the drive control, current sense, and industrial communications. This implementation allows for a cost-effective, single-chip, industrial drive and communication solution.

  • Tamagawa receiver on AM437x using PRU-ICSS
  • Tamagawa smartceiver AU5561N1 compatible
  • Supports 2.5-Mbps full-absolute SmartAbs and SmartInc encoders
  • Supports data readout and reset frames
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Design files & products

Design files

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TIDUDJ7.PDF (3096 K)

Reference design overview and verified performance test data

TIDRC79A.ZIP (1276 K)

Detailed schematic diagram for design layout and components

TIDRC80A.ZIP (580 K)

Complete listing of design components, reference designators, and manufacturers/part numbers

TIDRC76A.ZIP (870 K)

Detailed overview of design layout for component placement

TIDRC77A.ZIP (21148 K)

Files used for 3D models or 2D drawings of IC components

TIDC823A.ZIP (11389 K)

Design file that contains information on physical board layer of design PCB

TIDRC78A.ZIP (6065 K)

PCB layer plot file used for generating PCB design layout


Includes TI products in the design and potential alternatives.

Arm-based processors

AM4379Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT, 3D graphics

Data sheet: PDF | HTML
RS-485 & RS-422 transceivers

SN65HVD753.3-V half-duplex RS-485 transceiver with IEC ESD, 20 Mbps

Data sheet: PDF | HTML

Start development


Evaluation board

TMDSIDK437X — AM437x/AMIC120 Industrial Development Kit (IDK)

The AM437x/AMIC120 Industrial Development Kit (IDK) is an application development platform for evaluating the industrial communication and control capabilities of Sitara™ AM4379AM4377 and AMIC120 processors for industrial applications.

The  AM4379AM4377 and AMIC120 processors are ideal for (...)

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Evaluation board

RS485-HF-DPLX-EVM — RS-485 half-duplex evaluation module

The RS-485 half-duplex evaluation module (EVM) helps designers evaluate device performance, supporting fast development and analysis of data-transmission systems using any of the SN65HVD1x, SN65HVD2x, SN65HVD7x, SN65HVD8x and SN65HVD96 half-duplex transceivers. The EVM board comes without the (...)
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Software development kit (SDK)

PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-AM437X TI-RTOS processor SDK for AM437x and AMIC120 (No design support from TI available. Refer to Overview- RTOS Highlights for details.)

Processor SDK (Software Development Kit) is a unified software platform for TI embedded processors providing easy setup and fast out-of-the-box access to benchmarks and demos.  All releases of Processor SDK are consistent across TI’s broad portfolio, allowing developers to seamlessly (...)

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Arm-based processors
AM4376 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS AM4377 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT AM4378 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics AM4379 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT, 3D graphics AMIC120 Sitara processor; Arm Cortex-A9; 10+ Ethernet protocols, encoder protocols
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TMDSEVM437X AM437x evaluation module TMDSIDK437X AM437x/AMIC120 Industrial Development Kit (IDK) TMDXSK437X AM437x starter kit
Download options

PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-AM437X TI-RTOS processor SDK for AM437x and AMIC120 (No design support from TI available. Refer to Overview- RTOS Highlights for details.)

Latest version
Release date: 18 Apr 2020
Arm-based processors
AM4376 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS AM4377 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT AM4378 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics AM4379 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT, 3D graphics AMIC120 Sitara processor; Arm Cortex-A9; 10+ Ethernet protocols, encoder protocols
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TMDSEVM437X AM437x evaluation module TMDSIDK437X AM437x/AMIC120 Industrial Development Kit (IDK) TMDXSK437X AM437x starter kit


Code Composer Studio IDE for Windows Host

Code Composer Studio IDE for Linux Host

AM437X Pin Mux Configuration Utility

AM437X Clock Tree Configuration Utility

Instructions for creating an SD Card with Windows Host

Instructions for creating an SD Card with Linux Host

Link to Release Notes for Processor SDK RTOS

Link to Getting Started Guide for Processor SDK RTOS

Link to Developer Guide for Processor SDK RTOS

Quick Start Guide included in the EVM kit

Quick Start Guide included in the Industrial Development Kit

Software Manifest of Components Inside the SDK

What's new

  • The SDK includes a real-time multitasking kernel, FAT file system, nework communications support, examples, and drivers
  • The exact content of the SDK depends on the capabilities of the device, but all devices share common APIs and build on existing proven software components to ensure reliability and quality
  • The software components are fully tested to ensure that they work together with TI’s Code Composer Studio integrated development environment

Release Infomation

Thank you for your interest in the AM437x Processor Software Development Kit (SDK) for a real-time operating system (RTOS). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch.
Driver or library

PRU-ICSS-INDUSTRIAL-DRIVES PRU-ICSS software for industrial drives (EnDat2.2, Tamagawa, Hiperface DSL,SDDF and motor control support)

The PRU-ICSS Protocols enables real-time industrial communications for TI Sitara processors.  The PRU-ICSS protocols are built to use on top of Processor-SDK-RTOS, TI’s unified software development platform, and contain optimized PRU-ICSS firmware, a corresponding PRU-ICSS driver for the (...)

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Arm-based processors
AM4376 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS AM4377 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT AM4378 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics AM4379 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT, 3D graphics
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TMDSIDK437X AM437x/AMIC120 Industrial Development Kit (IDK)
Download options

PRU-ICSS-INDUSTRIAL-DRIVES PRU-ICSS software for industrial drives (EnDat2.2, Tamagawa, Hiperface DSL,SDDF and motor control support)

Latest version
Release date: 27 Nov 2018

PRU-ICSS Industrial Drives pre-built binaries

Arm-based processors
AM4376 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS AM4377 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT AM4378 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics AM4379 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT, 3D graphics
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TMDSIDK437X AM437x/AMIC120 Industrial Development Kit (IDK)


What's new

  • Motor control interface improvements for EtherCAT CiA402 Drive profile (TIDEP0025)
  • Bug Fixes

Release Infomation

Thank you for your interest in the PRU-ICSS Industrial Drives Package. The software components are fully tested to ensure that they work together with TI’s Code Composer Studio integrated development environment.
Driver or library

PRU-ICSS-INDUSTRIAL-DRIVES — PRU-ICSS software for industrial drives (EnDat2.2, Tamagawa, Hiperface DSL,SDDF and motor control support)

The PRU-ICSS Protocols enables real-time industrial communications for TI Sitara processors.  The PRU-ICSS protocols are built to use on top of Processor-SDK-RTOS, TI’s unified software development platform, and contain optimized PRU-ICSS firmware, a corresponding PRU-ICSS driver for the (...)

Software development kit (SDK)

PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-AM437X — TI-RTOS processor SDK for AM437x and AMIC120 (No design support from TI available. Refer to Overview- RTOS Highlights for details.)

Processor SDK (Software Development Kit) is a unified software platform for TI embedded processors providing easy setup and fast out-of-the-box access to benchmarks and demos.  All releases of Processor SDK are consistent across TI’s broad portfolio, allowing developers to seamlessly (...)


Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
* Design guide Tamagawa Encoder Interface Protocol on AM437x Reference Design Sep. 15, 2017

Related design resources

Software development

PROCESSOR-SDK-AM437X Processor SDK for AM437x Sitara Processors - Linux and TI-RTOS support
PRU-ICSS-INDUSTRIAL-SW PRU-ICSS industrial software for Sitara™ processors

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