Filtering and signal processing reference design using MSP430 FRAM microcontroller


Design files


This reference design showcases the performance of the low-energy accelerator (LEA) on MSP430™ FRAM microcontroller (MCUs) in performing advanced filtering and signal processing while maintaining ultra-low power on a 16-bit MCU. The LEA provides a boost of 13.8x over a traditional C implementation for a 256-point complex FFT. LEA also provides real-time FIR filtering performance at a high audio sampling rate of 20 kHz.

  • Real-time FFT comparing non-accelerated to accelerated performance
  • Real-time FIR filtering with several pre-set filter coefficients

Design files & products

Design files

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TIDUBI9C.PDF (18222 K)

Reference design overview and verified performance test data

TIDRL29.ZIP (2190 K)

Detailed schematic diagram for design layout and components

TIDRL30.PDF (68 K)

Complete listing of design components, reference designators, and manufacturers/part numbers

TIDCC05.ZIP (824 K)

Design file that contains information on physical board layer of design PCB


Includes TI products in the design and potential alternatives.

MSP430 microcontrollers

MSP430FR596216-MHz MCU with 128-KB FRAM, 8-KB SRAM, low-energy accelerator, AES, 12-bit ADC, DMA and 76 IO

Data sheet: PDF | HTML
MSP430 microcontrollers

MSP430FR596416 MHz MCU with 256KB FRAM, 8KB SRAM, AES, 12-bit ADC , comparator, DMA, UART/SPI/I2C, timer

Data sheet: PDF | HTML
MSP430 microcontrollers

MSP430FR599216-MHz MCU with 128-KB Flash, 8-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, I2C/SPI/UART, HW multiplier

Data sheet: PDF | HTML
MSP430 microcontrollers

MSP430FR599416 MHz MCU with 256KB FRAM, 8KB SRAM, LEA, AES, 12-bit ADC , comparator, DMA, UART/SPI/I2C, timer

Data sheet: PDF | HTML
MSP430 microcontrollers

MSP430FR5994116 MHz MCU with 256KB FRAM, 8KB SRAM, LEA, AES, 12-bit ADC , comparator, DMA, 68 IO, eUSCI

Data sheet: PDF | HTML

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Development kit


MSP430FR5994 LaunchPad™ development kit

The MSP-EXP430FR5994 LaunchPad™ Development Kit is an easy-to-use evaluation module (EVM) for the MSP430FR5994 microcontroller (MCU). It contains everything needed to start developing on the ultra-low-power MSP430FR5x FRAM microcontroller platform, including on-board debug probe for programming, (...)

User guide: PDF | HTML
Daughter card

BOOSTXL-AUDIO — Audio Signal Processing BoosterPack Plug-In Module

When plugged into a LaunchPad™ Development Kit, the BOOSTXL-AUDIO Audio BoosterPack™ Plug-in Module can capture audio input from a microphone and output audio through an on-board speaker. Headphone input and output is also supported. This audio input/output stream lets developers (...)

User guide: PDF
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Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
* Design guide Filtering and Signal Processing Ref Design Using MSP430 FRAM Microcontroller (Rev. C) Sep. 11, 2019
Technical article Sense, measure and more with MSP430™ MCUs at embedded world 2017 PDF | HTML Mar. 14, 2017

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