Dual Polarity High-Voltage Differential Input Interface for Low-Voltage Comparators Reference Design
This TI Verified Design provides the theory, component selection, simulation, schematic, PCB layout, BOM, and measured performance for a dual polarity (bipolar), high-voltage differential input interface for low-voltage comparators. The design allows a comparator such as the TLV3201 to operate with a single +3.3 V supply and to compare two input voltages that not only exceed its normal input range, but can be of either (±) polarity. The design takes into account all the comparator and passive component errors and results in <10 mV, of dc input error. Worst-case analyses techniques are provided to determine the dc error contributed by limited resistor tolerance, for the resistors used in the comparator input networks.
• TI Precision Designs: Verified Design includes Theory, Component Selection, TINA-TI Simulation, PCB Schematic & Layout, Bill of Materials, and Measured Performance
• DC error due to comparator and passive components less than +/-10 mV
• Input range +/-15 V, bipolar
• Single-Supply Solution
• Features TLV3201 comparator
• Design can also be used with TLV3011, TLV3012, TLV3401 and TLV3701 comparators to achieve alternate design goals
A fully assembled board has been developed for testing and performance validation only, and is not available for sale.
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