


The transimpedance op amp circuit configuration converts an input current source into an output voltage. The current to voltage gain is based on the feedback resistance. The circuit is able to maintain a constant voltage bias across the input source as the input current changes which benefits many sensors.

  • Uses a JFET or CMOS input op amp with low bias current to reduce DC errors
  • A bias voltage can be added to the non-inverting input to set the output
  • Operates within the linear output voltage swing (see Aol specification) to minimize non-linearity errors

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Circuit design Transimpedance amplifier circuit with MSP430 smart analog combo (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 07.10.2024
Circuit design Transimpedance amplifier circuit. (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 26.09.2024
Anwendungshinweis How to Use the Smart Analog Combo in MSP430™ MCUs (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 24.10.2019
Technischer Artikel Transimpedance amplifier designs for high-performance, cost-sensitive smoke detect PDF | HTML 10.08.2017
Anwendungshinweis Transimpedance Amplifiers (TIA): Choosing the Best Amplifier for the job (Rev. A) 16.05.2017
Analog Design Journal 4Q 2012 Issue Analog Applications Journal 25.09.2012

Verwandte Designressourcen

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