Inverting summer circuit



This design sums (adds) and inverts two input signals, Vi1 and Vi2. The input signals typically come from lowimpedance sources because the input impedance of this circuit is determined by the input resistors, R1 and R2. The common-mode voltage of an inverting amplifier is equal to the voltage connected to the non-inverting node, which is ground in this design.
  • Input 1: ±2.5 V
  • Input 2: ±250 mV
  • Output: ± 4.9 V
  • Frequency: 10 kHz
  • Supply: ±5 V
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Typ Titel Neueste englische Version herunterladen Datum
Circuit design Inverting Summer Circuit (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 01.02.2021
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Anwendungshinweis Handbook of Operational Amplifier Applications (Rev. B) 19.09.2016

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