Excelfore esync OTA Over-the-Air Updates für softwaredefinierte Fahrzeuge


Von: ExcelFore


Experience the future of the connected SDV starting with full vehicle OTA from Excelfore. The standardized and structured eSync pipeline securely scales to reach all the ECUs and smart sensors in the car, with the flexibility to cover any in-vehicle network topology or system architecture.
eSync OTA from Excelfore is a proven solution for updating all the programmable devices in the vehicle. Updating a high-performance computing platform running the latest autonomous driving stack, an airbag controller running classic AUTOSAR, or a small seat positioning and heating controller with an open-source RTOS environment, eSync gives you a consistent approach to updating the whole vehicle.

  • Full vehicle OTA
  • Scalability
  • Flexible in-vehicle deployment
  • Flexible cloud integration
  • Flexible operation
  • Fault tolerance
  • Advanced security
  • Adaptive delta compression
  • Bi-directional pipeline
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