High-End-Timer (HET)



The High-End Timer (HET) is a programmable timer co-processor available on TI’s high-performance Hercules Microcontrollers. The HET enables sophisticated timing functions for real-time control applications. Programming the HET provides an alternate approach to the use of costly FPGAs or ASICs which can take up valuable board space and consume unnecessary power.

The High End Timer Integrated Development Environment (HET IDE) is a windows based application that provides an easy way to get started developing and debugging code for the HET.

The simulation kernel provides full visibility into program execution and also break point capability to stop execution on specific instructions. Waveformer Pro from SynaptiCAD provides a professional tool for waveform creation and visualization.

  • Create and save dedicated projects for a specific device configuration
  • Edit and save configuration registers
  • Create complex breakpoints on pin events or memory field comparisons
  • Create and save input timing waveforms from external stimuli
  • Drag and drop HET instructions for easy code development
  • Algorithm Library with code samples
  • Straightforward simulation environment with full visibility of the HET status
  • Memory write triggers on time, cycle, pin event and interrupt
  • Cycle Count and simulation time display

What's Included

The HET IDE has 3 main components:

  1. Graphical User Interface for ease of use
  2. Simulation kernel
  3. Integrated waveform viewer from SynaptiCAD

The HET IDE also comes with code examples to make it even easier to get started.

Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 2
Typ Titel Neueste englische Version herunterladen Datum
Benutzerhandbuch Hercules Safety MCU Resource Guide 23.10.2019
Benutzerhandbuch HET Integrated Development Environment User's Guide (Rev. A) 17.11.2011

Verwandte Designressourcen


LAUNCHXL-RM42 Hercules RM42x LaunchPad-Entwicklungskit LAUNCHXL-TMS57004 LaunchPad-Entwicklungskit für Hercules TMS570LS04x/03x LAUNCHXL2-570LC43 Hercules TMS570LC43x LaunchPad-Entwicklungskit LAUNCHXL2-RM46 Hercules RM46x LaunchPad-Entwicklungskit LAUNCHXL2-RM57L Hercules RM57Lx LaunchPad-Entwicklungskit LAUNCHXL2-TMS57012 Hercules TMS570LS12x LaunchPad-Entwicklungskit


IDE, Konfiguration, Compiler oder Debugger
HALCOGEN Hardware-Abstraktionsschicht-Codegenerator für Hercules-MCUs
UNIFLASH UniFlash-Flash-Programmiertool

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