SafeTI Compliance-Support-Paket für HALCoGen (Hardware-Abstraktionsschicht-Codegenerator)
The HALCoGen Compliance Support Package (CSP) was developed to provide the necessary documentation, reports and unit test capability to assist customers using HALCoGen generated software to comply with functional safety standards such as IEC 61508 and ISO 26262.
The below items are required to run the Test Automation Unit that comes with SafeTI HALCoGen CSP.
- Windows Operating system
- TI CCStudio v5 or later (download here)
- TI ARM Compiler v5.1 or later (included in CCstudio)
- Perl v5.0.8 or later must be installed. See the PERL website.
- The HALCoGen CSP features unit level test cases developed by TI. These test cases can be run using LDRAunit from LDRA. LDRAunit can be purchased directly through LDRA.
- Software Requirement Document
- Software Architecture Document
- Software Safety Manual
- Dynamic Coverage Analysis Report
- Test Manager report
- Test results reports
- Traceability report
- Software User Guide
- Software release Notes
- Test Automation Unit (TAU)
- Graphical User Interface to choose and Run the Test in the user’s environment on target hardware - Unit level and Functional test cases - LDRAunit from LDRA
Zusätzliche Ressourcen, die Sie möglicherweise benötigen
HALCOGEN — HAL-Codegenerierungstools - TMS570 (v4.07.01)
Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware
Arm Cortex-M4-MCUs
Arm Cortex-R-MCUs
HALCOGEN — HAL-Codegenerierungstools - TMS570 (v4.07.01)
Arm Cortex-M4-MCUs
Arm Cortex-R-MCUs
Technische Dokumentation
Verwandte Designressourcen
Treiber oder Bibliothek
IDE, Konfiguration, Compiler oder Debugger
Support und Schulungen
TI E2E™-Foren mit technischem Support von TI-Ingenieuren
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