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BQ34Z100 family of gauges firmware

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Aktuelle Version
Version: 2.02.31
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20.11.2023
lock = Nur mit Exportgenehmigung (1 Minute)
BQ34Z100 1 S bis 16 S Impedance Track™ Ladestandsmesser | Batteriegasmesser BQ34Z100-G1 Eigenständiger Ladezustandsmesser zur Nachverfolgung von Impendanz (Impedance Track™) mit unterschie BQ34Z100-R2 Eigenständige Kraftstoffanzeige Impedance Track™ für Multi-Chemistry
TIDA-010030 Präzise Messung und Referenzdesign für Li-Ionen-Akkupack mit 50-μA-Standby-Strom, 13 Zellen und 48 V
BQ34Z100EVM Bq34z100EVM Evaluierungsmodul für 1s bis 16s Impedanzverfolgungs-Ladestandsmesser | Batterie-Ladesta




BQ34Z100-DEVICE-FW is a firmware-only release that can be flashed onto any existing BQ34Z100 hardware ( such as the BQ34Z100, BQ34Z100-R1, BQ34Z100-R2, … device ). The firmware incorporates the patented Impedance Track™ technology to create a pack-based solution for Li-ion, PbA, NiMH, and NiCd batteries, and works independently of battery series-cell configurations. Batteries from 3 V to 16.7 KV can be easily supported through an external voltage translation circuit that is controlled automatically to reduce system power consumption.

The BQ34Z100-DEVICE-FW device provides several interface options, including an I2C peripheral, an HDQ peripheral, one or four direct LEDs, and an ALERT output pin. Additionally, the BQ34Z100-DEVICE-FW provides support for an external port expander for more than four LEDs.


The BQ34Z100-DEVICE-FW firmware is usable on any previous version of the BQ34Z100 hardware


  • Details in TRM, see 'About This Manual'