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Speech Codecs for C55x - Software and Documentation
G726 Data Sheet for Encoder and Decoder
G726 Release Notes
G722 Data Sheet for Encoder and Decoder
G722 Release Notes
G722.1 Data Sheet for Encoder and Decoder
G722.1 Release Notes
G722.2 Data Sheet for Encoder and Decoder
G722.2 Release Notes
G726 Encoder and Decoder
G722 Encoder and Decoder
G722.1 Encoder and Decoder
G722.2 Encoder and Decoder
ARM-basierte Prozessoren
Digitale Signalprozessoren (DSPs)
All codecs are
compliantAll the C55x codecs were tested on C5510
All the speech codec releases have both encoder and decoder
SUPPORTED PLATFORMS:All these speech modules can be used on any of the C55x based platforms
PERFORMANCE: Please refer to codec data sheet for MHz and memory requirement. Actual MHz requirements vary depending on memory configuration
Technical Support: please contact Couth Infotech Private Limited, email: TISupport@CouthIT.com
G722.2 from ITU-T is also known as GSM-WBAMR from 3GPP