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mmWave-Softwareentwicklungskit (SDK) für AWR2x44P, AWR2544, AWR2944 und AWR2944LC

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Aktuelle Version
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 27.11.2024

TI Gallery APP for configuring mmWave sensors and visualizing the point cloud objects by SDK demo.

Linux based Visualizer for configuring AWR2544 mmWave sensor and visualizing the 1D-FFT data sent over ethernet by SDK demo



Release Notes for MMWAVE_MCUPLUS_SDK


Download CCS 12.8.1 Version for Windows or Linux

Download SysConfig 1.21.0 for Windows or Linux

Software Manifest of Components inside MMWAVE_MCUPLUS_SDK


The MMWAVE MCUPLUS SDK enables the development of 2nd generation millimeter wave (mmWave) radar applications using TI mmWave sensors (see list of supported Platform / Devices).The SDK provides foundational components which will facilitate end users to focus on their applications.


  • AWR2x44P: Platform Support for DPL, Drivers, and SBL
  • AWR2x44P: Out of Box (OOB) demo supporting TDM, DDM processing and ethernet streaming with power optimization hooks
  • AWR2x44P / AWR2944LC / AWR294x (Memory optimization): Re-use radar cube memory to store the detected objects list.
  • AWR2x44P / AWR2944LC / AWR294x (Timing optimization): Use EDMA to copy antenna samples of detected objects in Doppler DPU
  • AWR2x44P / AWR2944LC / AWR294x: Histogram based detection on Doppler - azimuth heatmap (Compile time option)
  • AWR294x: DDMA demodulation and max sub-band computation on HWA with band-wise transpose using EDMA
  • AWR2544: gPTP stack integration with OOB (Trigger frames through CPTS timestamp)
  • AWR2x44P/ AWR294x/ AWR2544: Enabled GENF signal configuration through TSN stack
  • AWR2x44P/ AWR294x: C66 Context save/restore feature with example